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longest edit ever :crazy_face:


Omgg i literally JUST finished watching a tinkerbell movie :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile: and wow that looks amazing :heart_eyes:

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Thank you!

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Made for @Turtle_Catā€™s and @MagixQueenieā€™s contest. <3


Thank you!!

:joy::joy: Thanks! I havenā€™t published it yet lmao! You can read two chapters of it if youā€™d like!

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Love it!! :heart:


Yes that picture was a in progress pic! I posted the finished version later! And the picture I took inspiration from had blue eyeshadow, and I personally love boys in makeup. :sweat_smile:


Well I saw the finished version later but it still has the same neck and hair error I spotted out in the progress version.The hair even after shading seems from the edges as if itā€™s been cropped. Try to make the edges smoother next time.

LMAO boys with make-up.I havenā€™t seen one yet. :joy:


Okay great! Thank you, yeah I definitely need to work on hair, itā€™s my least favorite part haha.

Oh trust me, there are loads of them! For example thereā€™s Jeffree Star, heā€™s a boy and heā€™s famous for his makeup. <3


Hair and eyes are my favourite part but on the other hand i donā€™t really enjoy drawing African hair styles as they are a bit complicated.Hair Tied all into 1000 braids and takes 1000 years to make them lol :confused:

Seriously?I thought you were kidding.Lol iā€™m excited to check em out. :sweat_smile:

One sentence for boys who wear make-up.Man, leave some stuff for the women. :joy:

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Yeah I honestly think everything except like straight hair is soo hard! And if itā€™s too long or too short I struggle too!
But yeah eyes are really fun! Itā€™s a lot you can do with them, but I think my favorite is skin actually, just shading and selecting colors for the skin is so much fun!:star_struck:

Haha oh no, there are so many! A lot of boys at my school wear makeup too!
Haha nah I think itā€™s great that people are crushing gender stereotypes! :slight_smile:

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The characterā€™s skin is something that gives me a hard task, something i feel i always battle with.Sometimes it is going all well but when the next day I start working on the same portrait it turns to look like a pile of mud thatā€™s why my art takes a lot of time. Sometimes I like freckles on the skin but the next day I donā€™t feel to like them so to remove them it gets even worse at times:sweat_smile: However I had relised that skin is your favourite part as I find the characters skin in your art pretty smooth and a bit realistic.

OMG really???LMAO. :rofl: I think we need to stop this conversation or you can come on a PM before we go too off-topic. :sweat_smile:

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So Iā€™m close to finishing this but itā€™s still bugging me :thinking::heart:



Ah yeah, I understand the struggle!
And thank you so much! Yeah Iā€™m not much for realism but I do like to combine surrealism with more realistic textures hehe

And yes I was just about to say that too! Haha, if we wanna continue we should probably PM from now on :joy:

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ckverchlubwdxygdyxg THATā€™S SO GOODDD!

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Thank you!! :heart::heart::heart::heart:

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Donā€™t forget James Charles lol

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