Should Episode create new currency and let us create our own clothes?

Hello guys!
So I have been thinking of an idea for a while now and I’d like to share it with you guys.

Ok, so you guys know how new clothes are updated every week? I think Episode should also let us create our own clothes. Then there should be some type of currency (use by Episode writers) that lets us buy clothes created by other users and probably use the Forums to sell and buy clothes.

That’s just some simple ideas I have :sweat_smile:. Do you guys agree and think they should do it?


I love your idea :heart:
But don’t you think the programming will become too difficult? And we still have a lots of outfit bugs on episode. Like layering…


Oh yea, I have also been thinking about that. But instead of waiting for Episode to update every week (or sometimes they don’t) we could just make our own clothes and sell it to others. It would be fun and we could make new friends although, like you said, we will be doing extra work in coding.


That’s a really good idea! They were doing something a bit similar where you could buy an outfit in a story and get it for your profile character, but it wasn’t widely spread/rolled-out.

You are right! B)

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