STORY IDEAS? (I only have a title lol)

Hey! I need some help with some story ideas! I only have a title, Sweet Desires. If you can’t tell its a Romance/Drama story. Can anyone help? Thx!

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Welcome to the forums!

Usually the plot comes first then the title…or in my case, plot, characters, hm, a new plot, first chapter, wait no i don’t like that plot, rewrite first chapter to fit new plot, wait, what’s my plot again? Maybe your MC works at a candy store and the LI works a at another candy store down the block and they’re competitors, Or, maybe, the MC still works at a candy store but the LI and the MC are polar opposites, like LI works at a vegetable market, or a business. Hope this helps!


yea it did thx!

True I have take multiple author classes. they always say the title is the last thing to pick. though on episode that is a bit hard

they also said if you dont have an idea how can you be an author. usally an author is juggling ten at a time

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I usually have the idea, then characters before I have anything else

I have confidently completed my first manuscript, a short story witch I’m currently moving onto episode

If you need any help just drop me a message on here or my IG is mafiastar.episode

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Hey there @IzzySprinkles, I’m Sydney the moderator. Welcome to the forum! :smiley: I’ve moved this thread to Share Feedback since you’re looking for help with your story. Make sure to check out our Forum Tutorial for more info about where to correctly create topics, and feel to PM me if there are any questions. :wink:

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