Story Name! Help please

I wanted to choose a name for my story so please help with it :sob: :point_down:
(It’s a VAMPIRE story)
Descirption ~ : In the world of supernatural creatures , all Amaya Martinez know hatred But what happens when an ultimate sin called Liam Silvia crosses her path! Will she able to resist his charms? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

  • Fallen Sins
  • Sinners

0 voters

Give me your opinion also🥰

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Do you have a small description of the story, I was just wondering since both titles had sin. Like does someone “sin”/make a mistake?


Yeah Are you on insta? then please come there from bio!

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I am, @goldpigs.episode


Dm!! done


Moved to Share Feedback since this is about story ideas and titles. Make sure to check out our Forum Tutorial for more info about creating topics, and feel free to PM me if you’ve got questions. :smiley:

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