Things you hate in a Episode story!

Cliche dialogue. Ie: the supposed bad guy/gal talks to the protagonist and behaves like an ******* in every scene they’re together.

And speaking of cliche dialogue, why can’t characters be given realistic dialogue like you would talking to a real person?


Wow, really you are a true epi fan :hugs:

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Things I hate:

  • Toxic LIs
  • No CC/Limited CC
  • Super long episodes
  • No music
  • No body type selection
  • Freckles on either the MC or LI
  • Proposal scenes and the story ending right after that

I may name more.

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Some things I hate is…

• Weird directing, meaning when speech bubbles are weirdly placed and not toggled on the character that is speaking. In my opinion, it doesn’t sit right with me when reading them and it makes me feel a type of way if you understand?

• Episodes that end way too quickly, it just feels like a waste of diamonds, and/or passes.

• Story’s that don’t have customization on MC & LI, and story’s that don’t have the ability to let readers change outfits. I want to be more free, and picking outfits that make me most comfortable. I don’t like seeing outfits that are unappealing to me, and look all crazy.

• Story’s that seem WAY too alike like other story’s that have already been made, and is popular. Meaning same plot, same type of characters, same events, etc. It just throws me off, and makes me feel like I already read this.

• Story’s with bad grammar. I understand if english isn’t your first language, for me english isn’t my first language as well, but when someone’s whole story has horrible grammar, and spellings that can easily be corrected, it just shows the story has been rushed.

When the MC gets drugged by a person who wants the MC, and proceeds to do intimate/sexual things for the LI to see. It just makes me feel very enraged, and seeing when the LI walks in on them and not trust them, it makes me not want to touch the story anymore.

VERY LONG slow burn. Stories that make the MC & LI take long to realize they like each other, just makes me overwhelmed. I can pretty much say some popular stories I’ve stopped reading is for that cause, if i’m on episode 40-60 and they still haven’t fallen in love, it just makes me not want to read it anymore. Especially if they’re not doing anything intimate and acting as if they are friends, just loses the vibe completely.

I think these are all the things I truly dislike in an episode story, and I hope you can use it as some advice :smiling_face:.


Stories = Plural of the word ‘story’ (Example: ‘The wrote many interesting stories.’)
Story’s = Possessive of the word ‘story’ (Example: ‘The story’s plot was engaging.’)

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