This is off topic just a quescion

Hey i just add comunity topic because without it i cant post.
My quecion is :
What should i do with the story because i almost update everyday because i have a lot of time so i just did but till now i got only 83 reads and i appreciate a lot but i still write episodes so I stop till i get more readers or i continue writing? cuz i feel a bit weird just continue writing what should i do ? :confused:

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You should write a story that you love to write. You shouldnt only update if you get reads since its not all about reads.

Write a story you love writing it not just for reads - thats my motto when i write my stories.


Yes you have right i put so much heart in the story.
thank you for answer :slight_smile:

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Always keep writing. No one ever bothers reading anything I write for the most part but I write almost every day. Do it for you, not them. They’ll catch up sooner or later. :slight_smile: And if you want more reads try looking for posts on here and do some Read 4 Reads, you’ll find new greats stories and authors and get your story out there. :slight_smile: Just keep writing!


oh i do R4R thats really fair i was read so many good stories and im still do it i appreciate all the work authors put on them stories and i swear i was strugle for 2 mouths learn how to write an episode and is really hard i was almost give up but something keeps me up i say to myslef no you cant give up just go write create your characters and i i did it and i am so proud :slight_smile: i will continue writing


i post a link with my story here on my profile forum and on instagram i dont think i need to ask anyone i will do R4R of course my quescion was just simple i was feel a little weird thats all but ii write with heart i put a lot of hard work on it too thats all

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thank you for advices :slight_smile:

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