Want your story reviewed?

I just published my story and I would love it if you would give it a read!

Story Title: In a Starry Night
Author Name: Fatima Al star
Style: Limelight
Genre: Romance/drama
Episodes: 3 (more coming soon!)
Story Description: Rose goes thorough a lot of difficulties that will lead her to find secrets that were hidden for years! Will she ever find happiness and love? (Choices matter)
Instagram Name: @fatima_stories
Story Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/5756418218131456

Story cover




Title: Thrill of the Hunt

Genre: Murder-mystery, romance, and tertiary comedy

Plot: A serial killer is targeting street workers. You’re paired with an alluring man as a detective. Will you capture the killer while battling lust/inner demons? (MATURE)

of Ep: 10 so far, which is season 1 :slight_smile:

Author: Azaria Sin or azariasin in-app / azaria.episode on IG.

You can post the review here, I don’t mind either or.

The Best Stories Are Worth Sharing: The mermaid’s love

Checkout this story, on the Episode App! If you like it, support the story by passing it along!

Hi there!
If you are still accepting requests, I’d love to get some feedback! Here are the details of my story:
Title: Lie to Me
Author: Alexandra Mar
Description: After only serving 3 years of a 25 to life sentence, Aiden Suarez is mysteriously released. But wait, what’s that? Oh right, “Aiden Suarez” no longer exists.
Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/6378501067505664