What does "total chapters read" mean?

I’m just wondering, does “total chapters read” at the top of the page in the writers portal mean how many people have read the story? Like if my total chapters read bar says 300, does that mean 300 people have read my story or does it mean that 300 separate episodes were read?


i don’t really think it means 300 reads, by 300 people maybe by separate chapters i may be wrong

Yeah I’m wondering too… like if I have 3 chapters out and 300 “chapters read” does that mean that 100 people have read my story?? I’m just curious to see how many people are actually reading.

Its not how many people had read it.
1 complete chapter being read = 1 total chapter read

If you have 300 total chapter reads, your story chapters (no matter what chapter number they are) have 300 reads.
It may or may not neccesarily 100 ppl had read it. It could have been more, and maybe they only read 1 chapter of your story.

Hope this clarifies your doubt :blush:


Oh ok, so I’ll never really know how many separate people have read?

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Nope. No one will know about that.

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Ok thank you!

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If you don’t have an account, then I don’t think they can track each person, unless they track your IP address/device??? I don’t know either.

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