What keeps you motivated/happy to write?

you too,don’t understimate yourself, you can make a great story!good luck :black_heart:


She is telling the truth


I know how to feel when you aren’t maybe good with code or when maybe you don’t have ideas etc
in fact i think that work with 1/2 people max is perfect!


And Good luck with your story and when you publish it could you tell me cause I would love to read it😊 Good luck Again

To the both of you


You’re so nice :sob:
Is there any way in which I can help you?

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I’ll try my best to find people who would like to help!


Awwh okay! Good luck to you too! For whatever you need it for!


Thanks :blush: Imma need it:sweat_smile:


Awwh well I give you a lot of luck, then!


Reading a bunch of stories that what gets me inspired listening to music, t.v shows and movies planning out the moodboards, researching yes that is a bit draining but worth it in the end.
Coding and planning out the storyline


Yes! Music is motivating! But sometimes kinda makes me change my original plotlines, but thanks! I’ll try listening to some good music! Any recommendations?


Yes, I have a Spotify playlist ( can send the link if you want :slight_smile:




AHAHA YES IT IS. It’s one of my favorite cartoons ever.

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usually… I feel like that as well…
Idk… why… but my reads always demotivate me… and I always am like “why I am even writing”… but I love to write and I cant just leave me stories in the half way…
but some of readers have approached me… that THEY like my story and want me to continue, , I write only write for some of my readers…

and if u didn’t have any published…
Then I will say… take off your mind from your story a bit and read others story… it helps me alot…
and remember u will do your best! no matter what u have done in your story … no matter how u code… your hard work matters!!


:heart: Hi! Just a warning, sorry if my response doesn’t help that much! Somethings I do to keep myself motivated are listening to motivational talks, or reading other people’s stories to inspire me to write more. However, whenever I read someone else’s story and think about what I liked it in to spin off and add to my story in some way, I make sure to definitely not copy their idea by making mine as distinct as possible. There also times when I just have to tough it out and write and sometimes I just don’t feel like writing. I hope this helps and you feel better! :heart:


Usually music, movies, free time and being in a really good mood are what motivates me to write. I plan my stories ahead of time, so having an outline of my story when I write, motivates me to get it done.

If you are stuck or demotivated, take a break. But while you take that break, find something in relation to your story. For example, you’re writing a historical fantasy, maybe find something like a movie or show related to it, to inspire you to write. It could give you ideas making you more motivated to write.

Don’t force yourself to write, it could backfire. Find something that makes you happy then find something to inspire you to write. Always take care your well-being, it could give you a fresh “start” to continue what you love. I hope this helped :slight_smile:


Moved to Episode Fan Community since this is about Episode stories. Make sure to check out our Forum Tutorial for more info about creating topics, and feel free to PM me if you’ve got questions. :smiley:

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Thanks for the advice!! :heart::heart: