What makes your story stand out and why did you write it?

We promote our stories here a lot but I never see anyone talk about inspiration for their story or why their story stands out. So I have some questions about your stories! You don’t have to answer all the questions, just the ones you have the answers to!

  • Your story title and author name
  • What made you want to start writing your story?
  • What makes your story different from the rest?
  • Any inspirations that helped drive your story concept?
  • Any important topics or lessons your story contains?

My answers about my story are below :slight_smile:

My Answers!
  • Your story title and author name
    It Was Written In The Stars by Mars X.
  • What made you want to start writing your story?
    I wanted to write a story about a man whos passionate about astrology and a man from a different background and lifestyle who gets to know him. I also wanted to write a story where the readers get to learn a little bit about real astrology through the main character’s passion, as its a topic often misunderstood. Finally, I wanted to tackle real life issues like poverty. Basically, I wanted to write a story that I would want to read.
  • What makes your story different from the rest?
    My story has a male mc and that seems to be rare on episode, it also will have a trans character written BY a trans person so it will have ACCURATE trans representation, which is virtually nonexistent on episode. Not to mention most choices will matter and there are minigames, but thats more common. Also I’ve never seen a story that incorperates real astrology into the story and I’ve never seen a story that talks about fate and ACTUALLY gets you to think and wonder about the concept.
  • Any inspirations that helped drive your story concept?
    Honestly I was inspired by the lack of representation of a variety of experiences on episode, and I wanted to bring more experiences to the table. I was also inspired by the concept of fate.
  • Any important topics or lessons your story contains?
    Poverty, healthy relationships, the trans experience, and more!

I’m astrologist so it makes me happy you inserted that in a story.

I never write stories by inspirations, I write them from myself while brains are telling it.

I have 2 finished stories and both carry a special message, but I wouldn’t reveal it, that would be too much spoilers.

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I’ll do one for each of my two stories:

First story
  • Your story title and author name Osaka Across Time by Cee
  • What made you want to start writing your story? It was for the Missed Connection contest, but I also wanted to write a story inspired by my experiences.
  • What makes your story different from the rest? It’s set in Japan, and I actually lived in Japan for years. I was there during the 2011 earthquake/tsunami/meltdown, and that’s one of the things the MC is there for too, though she/I lived much further south of the epicenter.
  • Any inspirations that helped drive your story concept? I guess I probably answered this above. It was a theraputic story to write, and at times an exercise in nostalgia.
  • Any important topics or lessons your story contains? Mental health, time travel, fear/inevitability of the future.
Second story
  • Your story title and author name Beyond the Shore and Through the Sea by Cee & Jae
  • What made you want to start writing your story? It was for the Adventurous contest, but I also wanted to write one with my husband, @Jae_N, so we brainstormed a story topic that was of interest to us both.
  • What makes your story different from the rest? It’s a short sci-fi set in Japan with romance as an option. It’s really character-driven, and it’s rooted in Japanese mythology, which is something my co-writer has written a lot about outside of Episode.
  • Any inspirations that helped drive your story concept? I wouldn’t have written another story set in Japan on my own after the first, but my co-writer asked if we could. We’ve both lived there, and he’s Japanese-American, so the setting meant something to us both. He wanted it to have an environmental message as he’s an environmentalist. I was fine with all that as long as it had an SFF component.
  • Any important topics or lessons your story contains? Pollution, global warming, the cumulative consequences of seemingly small actions
  • Your story title and author name
    My author name. well my name is josefine. but line123462. i did pick that when i was like 9 and have i used on evrything ever since. if you see someone somewhere called that its me

My story is called retrace. when i should put a name i had first called it drug house but it did not really fit the story so i asked for help and and one suggested another word i dont remeber that was latin and meant retrace. and well i liked retrace

  • What made you want to start writing your story?
    I like to write. retrace is not really the kind of story i wanna write. but i had the entire plot written down.and that is rare for me i always get stuck so i dicied to publish it. and hope to have something els ready when it is done

  • What makes your story different from the rest? mine has a lot of clichis in it but i show them in a new and mordern way. like mane love interest is the son of mafia boss. but he is very nice and sweet.
    also my story is actually two in one. one about the parents when they where young the other about the daughter

  • Any inspirations that helped drive your story concept? clichis

  • Any important topics or lessons your story contains? not really. be nice maybe

I’m an astrologer as well! i figured id put my knowledge to use lol. whats the titles of your stories? id love to give them a look :slight_smile:

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  • Your story title and author name
    Autumn Falls by Luna.
  • What made you want to start writing your story?
    It’s a personal thing for me, I actually made a post about it on IG if you want to read it then it’s here.
  • What makes your story different from the rest?
    I wanted to write an old fashioned love story, where two people don’t jump into bed in the first chapter. Both the main character and the love interest are virgins. I wanted to show to show a more romantic side of two people falling in love and losing their virginity together. I wanted to fight against toxic masculinity by showing that men can want to wait for sex, they can have feelings, fall in love, cry, want to talk about the issues they have. I also wanted to incorporate some cliches people like, but I wanted to do them in my own way. I did this by the main character’s father being in gang. I like to think there’s lots of plot twists and unexpected events in there too. There’s also a lesson in there about not judging people and appearances can be deceiving.
Thriller: Where’s Joanne?
  • What made you want to start writing your story? Thriller contest :tipping_hand_woman:t4:
  • What makes your story different from the rest? Tense right to the end.
  • Any inspirations that helped drive your story concept? Not really.
  • Any important topics or lessons your story contains? Maybe: Don’t turn your back on your love ones? In contains much diversity, LGBT, mental health.
Vampire’ Delusion
  • What made you want to start writing your story? Missed Connections contest :wink:
  • What makes your story different from the rest? It’s heartbreaking and talks a lot about unrevealed vampires nature. It keeps the “missed connections” theme right to the end.
  • Any inspirations that helped drive your story concept? Not really.
  • Any important topics or lessons your story contains? When love is just a delusion, then you have no more reason to live.
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Story title and author name: My name is Cece Hunter, and that is my author name as well. The title of my story is The Devil Inside Me.
What made me want to write this story: For all my life I’ve written and written and I’ve never finished a story because I have too many new ideas and I always get bored of the ones I write. At New Year’s Eve I was with my best friend and we made our resolutions for new year’s and I said that I wanted to finally share a story that I would finish with the world. Since I really wanted to finish the story, I decided to make a light-headed one, so I decided to follow simple patterns to make the story simple, funny and still interesting to read.
What makes my story different from the rest: It’s a comedy story that resembles the show Lucifer (that was not intended) in a way as I make the whole devil-angel situation real. I also took many aspects of basic copy-pasted story plots in the community and original/featured stories on the episode app and pretty much implemented them in my story to “make fun of them”. (But not in a mean way, or at least I tried to.)
Inspirations? I feel like I wanted to do a story that would resemble one of Kayla Sloans’ , as I am completely in love with her stories. So I wanted to do a comedy story. I feel like hers treat very serious subjects and she never fails to make said subjects funny and serious when she wants the story to be.
Important topics or lessons: I don’t think that it really does have any lessons. It does touch the whole abortion subject in a very light-hearted way, as to not offend anyone (hopefully).


this story sounds amazing! and im glad your story includes a male character whos loyal and emotional.

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ive never finished a story either lol. im glad youre following through with your goal to finish a story and i hope you finish it!<3

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both of these look really good! im gonna check them out :slight_smile:

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Your story title and author name
The Lights Are On: Love Octagon by: itslexi
What made you want to start writing your story?
Well I made my OCs before i started episode, so when I looked for a story idea I just wrote about them. I already had the character development over with
What makes your story different from the rest?
Well you’ve heard of love triangles… but what if we had an octagon? It’s kind of meant to be a parody. Also I don’t think I’ve ever seen a story set in The Bahamas, or any Caribbean country for that matter, so I did something about it
Any inspirations that helped drive your story concept?
I honestly don’t know, its a mixture of things but I guess mainly love triangle cliches
Any important topics or lessons your story contains?
Well the main message is that you should never take for granted the people who will be there for you, if it was an essay that would be part of my thesis.
Also I wanted to depict as many different Caribbean nationalities, cultures and ethnic groups as possible. Mainly just showing how diverse we are as a group

It kind of sucks though :joy:

Your story sounds so cool though, my phone is dead but I’d love to read it when it charges up!

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Moved to Episode Fan Community since this is not about story promotion. Make sure to check out our Forum Tutorial for more info about where to correctly create topics, and feel to PM me if there are any questions. :wink:

I’m going to do this for both of my stories:

Diary of a Middle School Teacher
  • Your story title and author name
    Diary of a Middle School Teacher by Marianna Escalante

  • What made you want to start writing your story?
    I wanted to share my teaching experiences in a lighthearted way. Since I became a teacher, I’ve worked with different grades, and there was a time when I taught middle school. My students were my inspiration for the story.

  • What makes your story different from the rest?
    It’s set in Mexico, with a completely Mexican cast.

  • Any inspirations that helped drive your story concept?
    My students and many of my personal experiences.

  • Any important topics or lessons your story contains?
    It’s main purpose is to entertain, but I try to include lessons such as the consequences of being dishonest, always stand up for what you believe in, and don’t sacrifice your values for anyone.

No Accounting for Taste
  • No Accounting for Taste by Marianna Escalante

  • What made you want to start writing your story?
    I wanted to write a family-oriented story, based on a family I met back in October that has become like a second family to my mother and me.

  • What makes your story different from the rest?
    Even though part of it takes place in a high school, it’s primary focus is on the MC and her family. In addition, the MC is Lebanese and her heritage is very important to her. Unlike many MCs who either don’t practice any religion or are turning away from the ones their family practices, my MC embraces and practices her faith.

  • Any inspirations that helped drive your story concept?
    Yes, I got inspired to write this story while hanging out with my ‘adopted’ family.

  • Any important topics or lessons your story contains?
    One is to be empathetic and learn to put yourself in other people’s shoes before offering advice; also, just because you don’t like something or don’t agree with it doesn’t mean you have to cut others down because of it. It also talks about embracing one’s culture and family traditions.


MC: The Bar on 23rd

I wanted to write which represents people with social anxiety and breaks stereotypes about blonde women.

Uhh the fact that it’s MY story. Jk. The fact that it has a huge cliffhanger that doesn’t disappoint and a main character who is complex and someone people root for. My main character first wanted to break ALL his old morals to find new ones, then found new but questionable morals but is happy and has true family, then broke those morals for a girl who then dumped him on the basis that he’s a bad person, after getting dumped, he tries to build his morality around his new, mundane job but longs for his old life, and finally he encounters someone who pushes him to break his newly instituted morals and exchange them for his questionable morals. Lol the story itself along with the execution is surprisingly good, and now I’m also revamping it.

Someone said one of my other stories was boring, so I implemented everything my other story wasn’t (just to have fun with new concepts), and it came out that way.

Don’t judge a book by its cover, we all break, and hiding your emotions doesn’t mean you have control over them.

@MarsX Wow, your story sounds so interesting; I feel the passion when you talked about it. I’m gonna read it now instead of studying bye.


This is off topic but oh well: Oh my gosh it’s THE Marianna Escalante again with her amazing stories. I love you so much, Marianna. OH MY GOSH. AHHHHHHH. screams again in English and dies in Spanish.

Lol those are very interesting story concepts.

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One of the Girls by Amberose

I’m not even sure anymore. It was partly because I had the idea and just wanted to get it out there, partly because the contest at the time didn’t interest me enough to enter and I wanted to write something at least, partly because there were a few things I wanted to test out so it was a type of story I could experiment with.

I’m fairly sure my readers would say it’s different because it’s from a male POV… But I don’t think that makes it stand out that much. I think it’s more to do with my format. Each episode is a stand alone episode, so it feels like a TV show, not a book or a movie.

Yeah, the initial idea came from a twitter thread… Individual episode ideas come from all over. Sometimes it’s even things readers say to me that sparks an idea, other times it’s an episode update that has clothing I want to use. Or even me just wanting to take the piss out of a cliche trending story trope.

Surprisingly a few. I try to include a “moral of the story” every so often. Safe sex is probably the most obvious lesson I included for readers.


Lol watch all the horny 12 year-olds try to read your story cause they misread the reply and then be like…


Back on topic:
Very interesting Amberose. A good insight to a story which you heartfeltly crafted.


All my fanmail be like: WhErE iS tHe SeX?!?!!1?1


honestly same to your story! i have social anxiety and like when its shown in stories. im gonna check yours out when i get home (unless its closed during the revamp then ill be waiting lol)

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