Why do you need to copy?

Hi, I know I have been lately really into fairness, which is important, of course. Recently I found that, not surprisingly, Ora is in another conflict. Again, I repeat it because people seem to not understand. I do NOT hate her. I DO NOT. I’m being a reasonable person, exposing problematic authors, you all can call me problematic, but if you defend this, please, don’t waste your time saying I’m wrong. Because copy another person’s work it’s wrong, as the mistakes she did before this one.

Today I was in my explore page, and as always, screenshots from Ora’s stories came up, they are always on my feed, I don’t know why. I was going to click the option that I’m not interested to see these kind of posts, because I’m not, when suddenly, I saw this.


And I got curious. You will ask, why? Well, basically because Ora copied it. I obviously, have proof, and again, if you say that this is not copied… You are defending what is indefensible. This quote is from the poetry book from Caitlyn Siehl, What We Buried, that quote is absolutely beautiful… Sadly, Ora had to copy it and claim it as hers.

As always, well done. This is a low thing to do, a very low thing to do. This is not respectable, this is wrong to do, and as always, big authors keep getting away with it. We need to stop them, in this case Ora, but believe me, I have more to show you.

You will say, then why don’t just DM her? Very good question. She will get away with it, these behaviors (as well as making racist, mysogynistic, religion jokes and sexualize my culture) need to be public, so people realize how authors are, so they STOP doing this. Don’t come at me saying Authors have feelings too! You can’t be like that!! Don’t excuse their actions with that. Ora, in this case, offended people from the African American community, Asian community, hispanic community. And also, now COPYING. So, I have all the right to speak about this publicly.

What do you think weighs more on a hypothetical scale, she offending people, cultures and religions and COPYING quotes, or I (and more people) exposing her for the (serious) mistakes she has made?

Don’t blindly defend Ora because she worked hard, she could have worked hard at doing a research and writing, instead to straight up copying.

Again, and as always, well done Ora.


@Tyler - Once again, Ora plagiarized.
Also, I have no problem with her using the quote, but she didn’t even write the author’s name down. This is so wrong!


here we go again. well done, ora. slow. claps.


dude… if you don’t have your own unique creative ideas for writing, please do the world a favor and stop writing altogether. hey, no harsh feelings, okay? not everyone can be a writer! find another thing you’re good at because i’m sure there is something you’re good for.

this isn’t directed at ora, this is meant for the general public of writers who base their work on copying existing works. don’t be that douche.

also, a side note for the mods:
these screenshots are from her other story, shielded heart, while my thread is about the other story, so please don’t merge!


Yikes. :grimacing: How can authors just blatantly copy other people’s work? That’s giving me second hand embarrassment. I can’t even write a story with a wizardry school without feeling like I’m ripping off Harry Potter.


I mean… I wish I was surprised?


I wouldn’t be surprised if she plagiarised more than this . Her other story loco amor is literally so similar to loving Latino by hope moon there are MANY similarities . She’s never original …


@Tyler she really has been making issues. Lots of threads have been open due to this story. Also I dont appreciate my hair type being used as a joke. Please I dont know if this deserves a revamp. Might have to just be deleted from the app.


Whyyy ora? WHYY!?!


i’ll sound like a douche, but no, it does not. she keeps doing this even when people confront her. all proof of that is out there by now anyway.

maybe the only way for her to actually get her shit together forreal is to remove her stories.


Wait, what??? Do you have screenshots?!


Nooo u don’t sound like A douche at all
Ora is never giving credit to any quote she has been writing in her stories and claiming her as her own

Which is effed up


One of the core problems is the plot, the WHOLE plot. I heard that she’s revamping it but said she’s keeping the plot- in my opinion she she cares about being respectful to everyone she’s offended and sexualised, in my opinion just delete the stories.


Look at my thread! She made a joke using POC’s hair Loco Amor: My Problem




wait that is wrong, like sure I get its not really right, but I dont think its wrong to use other peoples quotes people do it all the time in books, movies evrywhere. its called a referance.


She literally copied the sentence. The original author’s book is a quote book (poetry), and even if Ora credited her, it’s not her place to go and copy it.


using references ≠ copying
like @wrotebymaria said, i’m quite sure it wasn’t her place to implement an entire quote in her story, especially without credit or reference notes. changing the order and/or rewording also doesn’t make it not copied.

she also copied a whole scene from a video line by line. again, no credit or reference notes whatsoever. this is plagiarism, and plagiarism = illegal. a guideline and copyright law violation.


Hey I agree that is wrong, just show how unorginal she is.


She’s revamping and someone (i don’t want to mention) is helping her and this person isn’t for Spain🤢


Yes girl… She will never stop surprising me.

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