Writing an Hispanic Main Character

So, I’m writing my story, and my main character is Hispanic. Since I’m not Hispanic, and I don’t want to offend anyone, I figured I’d ask about it here.

  • Are there specific characteristics I should avoid giving this character & their family?
  • What plot lines could come across as racist/stigmatizing?
  • Language or phrases I should avoid?

Thanks in advance!

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Hello, here’s a post that explains it well…and a couple things I would say is to settle on an ethnicity and do research on their culture, family dynamic, and stereotypes to avoid (there’s lots of videos on that). As for plot lines…I guess drugs/pregnancy/bad at school and only being limited to labor jobs are too commonly associated with Latinos from what I’ve seen. In addition, Latino and Hispanic are broad “identifiers” which are usually safe to use sometimes, but there is a difference. Brazilians are Latinos, but they’re not Hispanic since they mainly speak portuguese and Spaniards are Hispanics, but not Latinos since they’re not from a Latin country/descent. Also, make sure to not make their ethnicity their whole personality, they obvi have their own beliefs/traits as well.

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Thank you!

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