Young Or Older MC?

Do you prefer the high school MC’s with the bad boys and popular girls or do you like when the MC is older (20-30 years old) and is working?
Also, do you like it when the MC has kids? Comment below!


Honestly I prefer older MCs since I’m no longer in highschool. I’m really starting to hate the high school bad boy cliche its too played out


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I think it depends on the plot. Like for romance, definitely older. But for like mystery then younger - but if it’s crime mystery then older xD


I like between 16-24 but it wouldn’t hurt to read a story with over 30+


Since I am in my 20’s, I prefer reading stories with older (20+ adults) characters. Of course, I don’t mind reading a high school story, but college/after school stories are my favorite because I can relate to them a little bit more.


I personally prefer older characters, but that’s mostly because I’m in my 20s and can’t relate to younger characters as well. I also bored of school settings easily, which limits options for stories I can enjoy with younger protagonists. If the plot’s interesting, I can read stories with main characters of any age as long as it’s not romance.


As I’ve gotten older, I’ve found myself more drawn to MC’s closer around my age (in their 20’s), which I think is pretty natural. We all love to see ourselves in the characters, after all, and when they’re closer to our own age, it’s easier to identify with their life experiences, even generalized.

That said, I don’t mind younger MCs!! For me, it depends on the story – esp in the case where their age can come into play, or where them being young is part of the decisions they make or choices offered. After all, I’d rather see a teen making a dumb choice than a 20-something who should know better by now LOL


I agree. It can depend on your age and what is going on in your life. :slight_smile:

Kinda over the high school stuff, stopped reading them ever since mean girls came out, I like them with jobs but no kids lol.

But it really depends on you. Because these are based on experience, and if you haven’t experienced it yet then it’s not accurate. So whatever fits you.


I’m a younger writer so I don’t have much experience to write about older characters so I stick with what I know, but I don’t like the whole bad boy cliche so I am really changing my plots to stray away from that idea. And when reading a story I don’t mind the age just as long as the plot is interesting and not predicted than I’m all for it. And that is what I try do in my writing.

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I agree completely.

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I prefer older MCs with no kids simply because I’m currently not loving the idea of having children and that’s why I don’t really want to read about MCs who do have kids.


Really depends on the SETTING of the story, really.

I like some stories about high school kids, they can be done well. I prefer high school stories for EPISODE specifically because a lot of the SETTINGS available to use on the platform are modern and young-minded. You know? So like high school, college aged people are best for this platform specifically.

For most other things, I prefer characters that are 25+, like my fantasy stories. I prefer 25+ and male characters. LOL