Announcing the Digital Dating Writer’s Contest!

i would really like to know the new contest theme now hahah


Same :joy:

ngl not even sure if i will and should enter but whatever :rofl:

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I really just need something other than romance. Romance is nice sometimes, but it is such a large category for community creator’s compared to the rest.


yeah but it still might be, we’ve had a christmas contest and the deadline for that was in January if I remember correctly so we shouldn’t put it past them lol.

I’m hoping for a contest that isnt focused on one specific theme like DD its just so annoying its always romance and it must stay romance and can’t make an another plot with it bc then you’ll be disqualified. (before the results are announced)


HAHAHA I love that for you
I have all my characters planned that I want in my next story with their personalities, names, character cards, and at least 8 possible plots. Even if none of my hypothetical plots fit this contest, I will use all the characters I’ve created and I will just make a new plot :star_struck::star_struck:

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I’ve never heard of a Christmas contest ever happening :thinking:


NOT ME CLOWNING :rofl::rofl:
we didnt get anything but oh well as i expected

For real. Like, romance is a huge plot, but if they’re not going to count the subplot of the story that’s literally on the back burner then what’s the point?

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yeah like fantasy, Its mostly abt love but theres always something wrong abt the MC and then that takes priority for that episode but they count it as the whole plot. nothing else but romance = boring in my opinion to write


I would really like to enter but I hope the theme fits :see_no_evil: but after entering two contests and not winning I’m debating whether it’s really a good idea to enter :rofl:

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I have entered 3 contests so far and haven’t won yet either but tbh it does bring people together and i like talking with other participants when i am entering about our stories


So true :pleading_face: I think I’m going to participate when the theme fits. What about you?

if i am really feeling the contest and have an idea right away i might. but i am also really feeling a collab story if the theme is something i like but then i need to find someone i can work with hahah


I hope you find someone to work with. Honestly, I did enjoy all of your entries and you would deserve winning a contest :relaxed:

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thank you! really enjoyed yours too. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Anyone know when the next contest is? I see this one was in October. I’m really looking forward to entering for the first time. If it’s already started can someone link me to the post?


it still hasn’t been announced! they are taking their sweet time this time


Bummer…well hopefully it’s soon. I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something. Guess I’ll just have to be patient >.>

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