Author's Worst Nightmares!

This is another one I have had people be downright nasty to the point that I have cried not going to lay, so now I use Grammarly and I double check and ask other to check because it hurts to be picked on no matter how old you are.


Yeah that to.

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There’s people who literally watch cartoon series which is not bad. I don’t judge. I just don’t like it when they judge me! :confused:

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i use grammarly too. i read my story over so many times.


like me . i love cartoon. and i am a grown op

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God! My sister in law was going to use my laptop and I was working on my story while I cooked. So I told her, use it but open another tab so that you don’t exit my story as I haven’t saved it. Well she did what I told her, but when she was done she turned off the laptop!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl: That’s a reason for WORLD WAR 3 right there lol

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My story is called “Facing My Demons” by Lady Stephanie

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i tried that too. not with episode but other stuff. and my mom did that.

its a bit to late but was it not stupid not to save ( i have forgot to do that a few times too)

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I hate it when they do! :confused:

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Lol oh no I hate when things like that happen, ill check your story out after PT.

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I agree! They stick to one language. Majority of the time when I type a word incorrectly or I pronounce a word wrong I simply say, “At least I know two languages! You understood what I said though right? Let me see you go to a Hispanic country and make a fool of yourself talking spanish!”:rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Mama, I’m going on 23 next week. Honestly, don’t do it because they’re picking on you. **** them!!! Do it to better yourself, in a long shot it will benefit you!:heart_eyes:

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yeah agree. i actually speak four languages . and sign languages. and i often get complains for people there can not even speak two


Oh my gosh right! :joy: It’s funny like boii at least I know how to speak spanish AND English so BACK UP before you want to come for people who aren’t PROS at another language they don’t speak fluently like come on :woman_facepalming:



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Exactly, there’s nothing wrong with that. All of a sudden it’s okay to watch cartoon series and everything is wrong with making a story using actual cartoons. Whats the damn difference??? What you’re watching is actually being made and directed by someone too!!!


alot of people think that cause it is animated it is for kids. ofcourse look at anime that is animated and a lot of it i would never show a kid


Seriously! There’s worst things out there! We stay home, drink hot chocolate with mash mellows while wearing fluffy pajamas and we’re judged for that?


Thank you!! :slight_smile:

i dont. but i have also cut evry person out of my life there would do that

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