
Yes. More and more videos are coming out showing its cops and supremacists starting the riots. More and more videos are coming out showing the cops getting hostile with those who are peaceful.

God forbid they come back with a NOT GUILTY verdict!


Thanks for speaking out


I just saw a a video of some of the many times police killed innocent people. And even if they did something bad doesn’t mean that they deserved to die… I was pissed about this since the begining but now i’m ready to kill someone. They killed a 12 year old in 2014 ( i think) bc he had a toy gun. They killed a man right in his car in front of his wife and 4 yr old child. They shot someone 16 times… and some of these police weren’t charged with anything! These people may have done something bad but in this world they’re people who did worse like rape and sh*t like that… those people should rot in hell but not these black people that compared to the things we’ve seen/heard about in this world have done nothing wrong! They had no right to die

fuck 12




#blacklivesmatter :fist:t4::fist:t5::fist:t6:

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for real though! protestors are protesting peacefully and they aren’t doing anything wrong but the fucking cops shoot them like wtf this isn’t right. they can’t keep killing innocent people

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exactly like why is it every time POC do something wrong, the cops kill them but if it’s a white person, they treat them nicely like bruh why don’t y’all kill them just like how y’all kill innocent black people. oh wait they’re white.


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I wanted to get mad at #AllLivesMatter but I thought about why they did it however honestly they are mad at us for protesting only for black people but I’m sure we aren’t, if they’ll do it to black people, lets be real, the way they attack us is harmful to their race too, if we do the protests, we’ll relieve us and them of problems.

What problems do they have from us being discriminated against?

Black men blamed for rapes that happened but not by black men

Think about this:

A white woman is raped by a man from India, the police come on the scene but the rapist is gone, the police assume the rapist is black, they have an agenda to get rid of black men, the white woman we’ll name Lolli and Lolli tried to tell them who raped her and describe the rapist, even telling them his race.

The police tell others but they try to find the evidence and grab a black man to pin it on but none of the DNA evidence or any evidence points to him, it’s on the news and everything but they still put the black man in jail leaving the real rapist out of jail.

One day, the rapist rapes her again, she calls the police, they dismiss her. They leave, she cries, the rapist rapes 50 other children, 10 women, 1 of them is a teenage girl about 13 and another child who is 12 and a boy.

The boy is the police officer’s son, the boy tells him the same description of the man that the white woman told him and a whole bunch of other women one of which was his own daughter.

Then the officer realized he made a big mistake, he went on to try and let the black man out but the cops were resisting, claiming if they did let them out, a “black murderer” would be on the street and then the officer we will call told them Hames “You let a rapist on the street!” Hames was so sad because he let that man out too.

Black men being falsely blamed for stealing

A white man robs a store, the cashier is black and runs after the thief while calling 911, the police show up on the scene.Once the police show up, the robber has the money but they shoot the black man instead, helping the white robber get away.

9 months later, the police comes home to a empty house and his wife telling him a white man robbed them, she gave a description and it was the white robber he let get away…

Black man falsely blamed for murder

A black man is blamed for murder, but he did not do it, the murderer is in the jury, the whole jury finds him guilty based on race because the evidence just doesn’t fit and some of it is planted on the black man but does not make any sense because he wasn’t even in the area.

The victim’s family is sobbing and not hating the black man because they are confused, one of them saw the murderer and plans to tell the court, once they say it’s the jury member, the jury says he’s not guilty, the judge says he is.
Police break code making the murderer smile.

The jury member that was a murderer screams away and runs and goes to murder his family, then he murders the judges 1-month-old baby and his pregnant wife.
The judge sees the murderer and recognizes him. The Judge finds a way and gets the murderer arrested but honestly no arrest can bring back the baby, the unborn baby who never got to see the world and his wife.

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Thanks for making this thread :heart:



thank YOU for supporting!

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HOW can one say all lives matter when clearly, in this society, black lives are being degraded and killed :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

OF course every human life matters, but BLACK LIVES are being killed over no judicial and lawful reason :face_with_monocle:
ALL LIVES don’t matter UNTIL black lives do


exactly!! yes, all lives always matter but black lives matter because they are attacked the most. they get killed for no reason, they are innocent :pleading_face:
and yes i agree all lives don’t matter until black lives matter!!!


Right!! It’s also so hypocritical to say all lives matter, When clearly all lives don’t because people are killing innocent people of the back community!!


This is so important and thank you for bringing light to this. My fear is that people will stop talking about it and stop pushing for a better tomorrow. Thank you for being an ally and fighting for black lives.


i’ll always fight for the rights of black lives :fist:t4: :fist:t5: :fist:t6:


yeah, what a world we live in. it just doesn’t make sense to say “all lives matter”. idk if it’s me, but when someone says “all lives matter” i feel like they don’t include black lives. idk i just feel that way:/


For as long as humanity will exist, we would never stop talking about it and would never stop protesting. Truth is racism will always be here no matter what, but there will always be people who will protest against it.


yes, and we’ll always talk about it because black lives are always killed til this day. even if innocent.

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Yup, it was honestly just hard to finish the video of George Floyd.