Cultural Appropriation - Playing Devil's Advocate

Agreed so hard!

Trust me on this, I’m not exaggerating. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t see recolorations of the same features in a lot of casts over and over :sweat_smile:

I will admit that I haven’t seen that many white characters displaying curly hair, in fact I personally have no problem with that (as I myself am white, non-mixed, and have curly hair). That’s not cultural appropriation, you’re right to say that.

But Full Round Pouty on white MCs and secondary characters, and blue or light eyes in most of POC characters? Yes, very very frequently.

Again, my whole point was representing frequency appropriately :woman_shrugging:t3:
But anyway, buona giornata.


Ok yes white people can have full lips and no one is saying they can’t but I have a collage of white characters that have full lips on episode.


I am not targeting the authors these characters belong to. I follow a lot of them on Instagram anyway but this is not something happening once or twice but actually very common.


Yeah, because they’re the ones (at least in my opinion) that looks better on the characters, whether white or black. A lot of people probably feel the same way, especially because the thin ones in Episode expect one look absolutely awful.


Although I agree with your very first post that, the headscarf isn’t only meant for Muslim characters (old Russian women wear headscarves too, btw.) and that white people can have curly hair as well, I am a bit disappointed with your last comments and responses. It’s not about taking away the author’s creativity and imagination. The point is that some features are used incorrectly and that most of them have a cultural background (e.g. the saree). People have the right to point out those issues.

As for full lips though, yes, some white people have full lips in real life, but that is not the majority. Everywhere you look, the internet is full of injected full lips on white influencers, conveying that only full lips on white people are beautiful, and not on POC’s which some of them were born with it. As a person with very thin lips, I find it quite alarming. It caused me so many insecurities whenever I see injected full lips on social media. It indirectly tells you that thin lips are ugly. It also says that full lips are ugly on black people (which isn’t true), and it only looks good on white people. Even my 16-year-old sister paints her lips fuller and so that she looks “beautiful” and accepted in this fucked up beauty standard.

I don’t mind seeing one or two white characters having full lips, but it shouldn’t be on literally every non-black character. Other features are beautiful too, and it should be used more often.

We don’t want to make you bad or silence you. We just want you to look at this issue from a different perspective and to understand our perspective. How we present the characters has a huge impact on the readers, who are mostly very young!

 just wow. I must be ugly then with my thin lips


Just because something looks nice doesn’t mean you can use it when others have been hurt for having them. Say someone goes into your room with all your stuff and starts picking out the things they like and not caring how you feel about it. They decide to take something and get praised for wearing it but when you did you got made fun of. You are taking things from people without thinking about it and caring for their meaning.


I have seen many thin lips you can use on episode that are actually nice.


I meant the thin lips on Episode not that thin lips are ugly in real life, WTF? Now you’re purposely misunderstanding me. I only like the Small Heart one. I usually use the first four in the list because I like them better and they look better on the characters (on all characters, black and white alike). Is that a crime?

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You might like them, I don’t. I only like Small Heart. I can never make the other ones fit in a character’s face. Maybe a lot of people feel the same and that’s why there are so many characters with big lips. You don’t always have to think the worst, you know? A lot of people don’t even think about this, they just choose what they like best and had no intention whatsoever of hurting or offending anyone.

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My Avatar has thin lips (I want her to look like me). Is she ugly too just because she doesn’t meet the beauty standards?

Having a preference and finding something ugly isn’t the same, by the way.


This is what I meant with blowing things way out of proportion. How is that remotely the same thing. Anyway, I’m done with this discussion. I’m going to keep portraying my characters however I like. Feel free to criticize me for it, I don’t care. That’s not the kind of criticism I take seriously.

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You are displaying your opinion and telling others that theirs is invaild but at the same time you think people have a right to opinion on what looks good for a character? You don’t seem to be listening. But whatever just don’t come storming when people complain.


Who talked about beauty standards? This is about personal preferences. I personally only like the Small Heart one, not the others, they never look right when I try them. I never said people with thin lips are ugly. Why are people purposely misunderstanding what I’m saying?


You’re not getting what I’m saying at all. You like thin lips, you should have your characters with thin lips, nobody is saying you can’t but don’t get upset when people use full lips. It’s simply a personal preference, nothing more. People are allowed to like different things. You’re getting offended because you gave a meaning to something that offends you when a lot of people had no intention of offending you by simply choosing what they like best and nobody should criticize them for it.

The beauty standards in Regency were blonde, blue eyed, tall women with pale skin (and such things have not really changed all that much now). I’m short with dark eyes, rather dark skin and hair. Should I stop having blonde characters in my story then? Because I don’t look like that? No. I portrait different characters with different traits and I choose the traits that I like best for them, that’s it. Leave the authors free to represent their characters however they want because that’s how they imagine them in their heads and there’s nothing wrong with that.

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Your personal preferences are influenced by beauty standard. You may not want to be aware of it, but we all are being influenced and manipulated by the media.


No, I simply don’t like most of the thin lips in Episode because they look awful, it’s simple as that. In real like I don’t even like big lips since most of them look fake (and most of them are). I like my lips which are small.

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This thread is getting messy so I feel the need to step in

  • Yes, white people can have curly hair. They can even have type 4 hair, but that is a very small percent and should only be used very rarely

  • Same for black people having blue/light eyes, it should be used very rarely

  • All hijabs are headscarves, but not are headscarves are hijabs. Wearing a headscarf is not limited only to Muslims

  • Yes, big lips are a trend, no it’s not right that a feature POC have had for centuries and have been mocked for having, is now seen as beautiful on light skin people. It’s not right but it doesn’t change the fact that a percentage of light skin people who live in the US have had lip fillers or use some type of lip plumper to give the appearance of having fuller lips


But can you really measure how “offensive” something is, if you’re not the one affected by it? It may not seem like a huge deal to you because it’s just a feature, but if big lips are becoming a “trend” for white characters to have, just solely because it’s “cute”, then that’s not okay. Black people and other POC who are naturally born with this feature are mocked for just simply having it, but white people can decide what’s a trend and what isn’t. Once it’s no longer cute, then what?

Maybe you don’t really see what’s going on here, but there’s a lot going underneath the surface when authors continually make choices like this. Of course, nobody’s saying “just don’t put big lips on a white character” but when every white person in the damn story, including background characters have full pouty lips, and the POC characters are getting thin off-coloured lips, you can kinda guess how frustrating that may be to some people. It’s unrealistic. And yes, I’ve seen a multitude of stories like this.


I personally love the “small heart” lips, it’s absolutely adorable :pleading_face: :heart:


I agree. It should be used sparingly, sure, but nobody can’t tell you you can’t use it at all because, like it or not, it happens in real life.