Dara Amarie's Official Help Thread! [closed]

Thank you!

I have a question. I know that if you use this:
label first_name_input
input What’s Your First Name?|What’s Your First Name?|Done(NAME)
if (NAME is “”) {
You do need a name.
goto first_name_input
} else {

That the reader can enter their name, but is there any way that you can start out with text already in the box? For instance, there is a default name that is in the box that they can delete and replace? Thanks in advance!

Okay. Well…
&NATASHA spot 1.333 207 -55 in zone 1 at layer 1 AND NATASHA faces left AND NATASHA is idle_rear AND MICHELE spot 1.304 117 -31 in zone 1 at layer 1 AND MICHELE faces left AND MICHELE is idle_rear AND MIRANDA spot 0.972 170 177 in zone 1 at layer 0 AND MIRANDA faces right
&ASHDEN spot 1.411 157 -124 in zone 1 at layer 2 AND ASHDEN faces left AND ASHDEN is idle_rear AND OLIVIA spot 1.361 60 -101 in zone 1 at layer 2 AND OLIVIA faces left AND OLIVIA is idle_rear AND MICHEAL spot 1.280 271 -45 in zone 1 at layer 2 AND MICHEAL faces right AND MICHEAL is idle_rear

How would I do the over the shoulder coding where the other characters are facing the character Miranda?

Unfortunately, no there isn’t a way to do that.

You would need to place them in a different zone (or background) and have Michael, Ashden, and Olivia in the very back (in order from left to right), then place Michelle and Natasha in front of those three characters (also in order from left to right), then place Miranda in front of all of them and have her be rear.

Ohh I see. So basically I have to switch the characters positions around?

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Ah, oh well!

Quick question, do I change their spotting? In the over the shoulder coding, I know the characters have to be pretty close to each other.

Yea you’ll have to respot them in a different zone

Okay so instead of the multiple characters being in zone 1, I’ll have to place them in zone 2 right?

Yea for over the shoulder shots, you have to keep switching back and forth between zones and character placements

Does the character Miranda have to be standing screen left while she’s in the rear position?

She should be on he right side facing right while rear

What is wrong with this:

&follow ANNEKE to spot 1.280 95 -34 in zone 1 in 6
&follow NIELS to spot 1.280 191 -30 in zone 1 in 6

Hey! I’m so glad you updated your customization templates for the skin tones. I was reading over it, and I saw this:

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]

followed by the choices of skin tone. What does that “shouldPaginate” bit mean?

I answered this already

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My character is customizable in my story and i wanted for them to be able to pick their skin tone for the selfie female overlay. How would you exactly do that?

This thread will help you: CC + OVERLAY script