Episode Overlays, Free Use

thank you so much!! :heart_hands::heart_hands:

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Bump :magic_wand:
I have added “INT. CLASSIC LIVING ROOM - DAY” to the drive. TV wall overlay and full room overlay with windows to put people outside the room :slight_smile:

Hope this helps all the new people I’ve seen around recently. This drive is free to use, no credit is required. If you want to credit the time I took to make these, a readerMessage with my Forum name is perfectly fine. :slight_smile:

If you see a background in the portal that needs overlays or if you need a specific overlay from a episode backgound, comment it here and I’ll get it done asap. :slight_smile:

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EXT. BEACH CLUB POOLSIDE - DAY (edited night version included)
Added a v2 day, v1&v2 sunrise/sunset and night versions with and without string lights. :slight_smile: Overlays include: palm trees &plants, seats &umbrellas, water (split front and back for layering characters and swimming), bar and base to hide legs of swimmers :slight_smile: )
If you’d like to credit me on the edited versions, a readerMessage with my username (ColeCatalyst) is fine. :slight_smile:



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Thanks for the bump! :hearts:

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Bump :cat: Thank you so much for these, Cole!! :blob_hearts:

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Aw, no problem and thanks for the bump :heart:

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Hi there <3 I looked for INT. HOT TUB - DAY on your amazing Drive but didn’t find it. I was wondering if you plan to add this in the night version, and also do you make modifications as well. For example, instead of the forest, having a city overview background? Love your work :wink:

Hi, I don’t think I’ve done that one for my drive :slight_smile: I can certainly get that added at some point today (sorry, busy day just popping in lol) I’ll tag you when I get it added :slight_smile:

I am not that great at editing/alterations on backgrounds, but Free backgrounds and overlays! 🏗 - #31 by CinnamonToast CinnamonToast made different versions of this background, maybe they will be what you are looking for? And the overlay I make will work on their version since they didn’t alter the base or flooring :slight_smile:

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It’s totally fine, no worries♥️Trust me, I know about busy days🥲 I appreciate the tag tho and I will definitely check this out🥰
Thank you so much for your reply, and guidance 🫶🏼

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BUMP :slight_smile:
Added “INT. EURO HOTEL ROOM FLIPPED - DAY/NIGHT” to my drive. I will be adding the other versions of the euro hotel rooms. As always, if you see something I missed or need specific overlays from Episode backgrounds, feel free to comment the Portal Catalog Name (i.e. INT. HOT TUB - DAY)

@Hope404 I am SO sorry, I totally forgot this overlay! :woman_facepalming: I’ll get it added. Sorry! This time of year is stacked for me.
Edit: I went to the portal to get the background image and saw INT. HOT TUB OL - DAY which is an overlay version (not sure what parts they overlay).-- I’ll still cut out overlays/the room and front so people can use their own bgs though :slight_smile: Working on this now.
To use the overlay part code it like: INT. HOT TUB OL - DAY with INT. HOT TUB OL - DAY at layer 0


This is so good, thank you so much for this!

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No problem :slight_smile: If I missed any or if they give new backgrounds, comment them and I’ll (try) to get them added quickly.

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Adding INT. HOT TUB - DAY with front &floor part, front with floor part & water and the room as a whole minus the windows for easy use with other backgrounds or if you like to do animated skies etc outside the windows :slight_smile: @Hope404 Again, so sorry this one slipped my mind!

Edit: And because I’m a little extra, I just made a night version of all the overlays. They will be in the INT. HOT TUB - DAY folder under NIGHT VERSION :slight_smile:


Bump before I forget!
New users! Hi and welcome to the community! This drive is free use (meaning no credit necessary) and overlays should spot direct to their correct position at the default ( 0 0 in zone 1) and only need to be layered unless stated otherwise in the drive (and I provide a template for the ones that need it for overlay placement).
If you run into one I haven’t done yet, comment the Catalog name and I’ll get them in a.s.a.p. :slight_smile:

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Hi, could you please make this counter overlay from these diner backgrounds we just got in the art release because the portal doesn’t have this counter as an overlay?

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Did they ever release the other corresponding overlays for that background? I know yesterday several people hadn’t gotten them in their portal yet. And yes, I will try to get these uploaded as soon as I can :slight_smile:

yes they released the other overlay’s for this background but the counter was not part of them at all. just chairs and tables were released.

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Okay, I was just curious lol :slight_smile: I’ll tag you here when I’ve uploaded them :slight_smile: