Free backgrounds drive - Tesbie

Hey there everyone!

I shared my background & overlay drive on my other thread as well (in the comments) but it didn’t reach people properly. :smiling_face_with_tear:
So, My friends suggested creating a new thread to share the background drive with you all.

I will try my best to make new backgrounds to upload :smiley:

Here’s the link :face_with_peeking_eye: :point_down:t2:

Don’t forget to read the rules :melting_face:

I am open to suggestions for the new background or overlays. :hugs:
Let me know your thoughts as well :face_in_clouds:


These look really nice :slight_smile: great work :slight_smile:

As I’m sure you know that the Forums will be closing on the 28th of this month so if you are planning to join the discord you’ll want to share your drive link there, too. :slight_smile: IF you don’t want to join it but still would like your drive link there, let me know and I’ll move this whole post to the discord for you :slight_smile:

thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I knew the forums were going to get closed soon but was unaware of a date… haha,

You can do that?
I am thinking of joining. Not sure right now. :sweat_smile:

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I’m a member of the discord and I know a fair few awesome people from the forums have joined :slight_smile: It’s definitely a different format but I feel like outside of the main ‘community chat’ that it functions similar to the forums :slight_smile:

Yep, I just copy paste your message and your drive link into the community art section of the discord and that way new members and people who have switched over to it will be able to find your drive. If that’s something you want me to do, it only takes a minute and I don’t mind :slight_smile:

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Ohh okay. Then I think I will do it myself when I join discord. I will probably take some time. :face_with_peeking_eye::thinking:

Is the discord live already?

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Wow! Your backgrounds are great!

Yes, it’s active. Discord link :slight_smile:
I’m Cole in the server so you’ll see me around checking in or updating my art links :slight_smile:

Thanku :revolving_hearts:
I am glad u like them :hugs:

:eyes:I see
Thank you for sharing the link. I will join shortly. :blush: See u around :cherry_blossom:

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Boost :+1:t2:

Working on new bgs and ovls :hugs:

here’s the glimpses :face_with_peeking_eye:

I will shift to discord soon :tulip::revolving_hearts:

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