Full Or Partial Customization?

Do you guys prefer full or partial customization?? I like partial so I can still see how the author portrays the character, too! I usually just want to change facial features, like the nose, mouth, etc. but the skin color, eye color, and hair color, I don’t mind not being able to change! I also don’t like having to make up my own name, it irks me so bad when I have to make something up. Idk why. :joy:


I prefer partial or nothing at all. Because I’m very lazy to make those up and I just want to get straight to the story lol.


Lol :joy: If the characters are already similar to how I’d want them to look, then I’m fine with no customization, but usually I have to read stories with at least partial customization! It drives me crazy if I can’t change the characters a little bit


Well I’m not related now :rofl:, but seriously I’m very very lazy to even do any of that lol.

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Me too usually when it’s full customization I just change mouth and face shape lol


I usually try to keep the characters close to the authors’ vision, but I still appreciate being able to change some features just in case there’s something I don’t like. So I’d say that I like limited customization over none.

However, it’s not that I DISlike full customization. I like it for the MC especially if they are supposed to be a reader avatar. If I don’t want to customize, even with full customization I can leave the features the way the author had them, so I find full CC pretty inoffensive.


I prefer none :smiley: because it gives the characters, well, more character. Plus I have never and will never actually made myself as the mc in any full CC story.


If I’m reading, I’d prefer full customization. If it’s my story now that we can make our own overlays I like the option of keeping at least partial customization.

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I never make myself the main character but I do like partial customization because I like to change the eye shape, nose shape, etc or things like that. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Same. If the MC is a reader avatar and I have to do a full CC, I usually just make up a character because they still inevitably end up behaving in a way that doesn’t feel like “me.”


partial is stupid just dont do cc at all if ur gonna be partial. Full so i can change skintone and other features plus i like CC its engaging


I love full but partial cc is pretty awesome, too. I really love this point:

I say if there’s partial cc in the story, go for it if you want, it’s your choice, it’s cool to include it, and whoever dislikes it, can just tap on done without changing anything and be on their way.


Yes, I prefer it so much. With the make up you can change your body featured. But you aren’t able to change the color of skin, the color of the eye, the color of hair, and also your mind. The author must portray a character in his imagination.

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How many time do you change your eye shape, nose shape, etc? How you feel then?

Full. I think partial is annoying and pointless. No offense if you use partial customization! If it’s for a specific reason such as I want her to have brown hair for x y z, I get that. I get annoyed when it’s like, I have a vision for my character blah blah blah. If you have a vision for your character why even give the option to customize?


It depends on what the story is about. I always prefer full customization.


I don’t like customization. It feels like it ddrains from the story. Name picking too.
Though, if there’s only one character to pick the name of I just write my name but when there are a million of those I JUST CAN’T COME UP WITH NAMES

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I dislike how partial customization evolved to just limiting the skin color/eye color/hair color. I wish we had other partial customizations like in The Ruby Tiara where MC has to have dark hair.

And this is an unpopular opinion so feel free to disagree: I don’t think CC takes away from the character. You can do whatever you want, I mean, if you warn the reader, and they still CC, it’s on them…


Why there have any reason in the CC story?

I’m sorry I don’t understand?