Funny LL Animations

Even though there aren’t as many funny animations in Limelight as there are in Ink, I have uncovered some for you today.

slapface_give_angry (The end of the animation)

bow_happy (The end of the animation)



scream_angry (The end of the animation, tbh this one is my favorite)

talk_repulsed (The end of the animation)

If you know of anymore that you would like to write in, feel free to :slight_smile:

I hope to see more comedy-related LL stories, and also hope for episode to add in more funny animations! Thanks for viewing!

(Also just a tip, there are no smiling with teeth animations yet in LL, but at the end of kiss_smooch they smile! So, if you want them to smile, use this animation, weirdly enough)


Thank you!!! I’ve been looking for some funny faces for limelight so I really appreciate this thread :smile: