Help finding the name of a story

Hello , can you help me find the name of a community story?
Its a live traingle between a girl , her golden boy crush and her badboy ex step brother( their parents married each other so they were temporarily step siblings but they got divorced)

I remember that story too! She was the last of her kind being raised by trolls and the king was her uncle ? She had kids with the demon though

Hi i’m looking for a story that i dont remember the name of. If anyone knows the name i can finally read it again. So its a mafia story the female main character used to be an assassin name amber that would leave a butterfly at the scene so they would know it was her. She then meets the boss of a mafia and they fall in love. She then gets kidnapped and they don’t find her til five years later and the has 5 year old twins name malakai and rage. I’m sorry that there’s not much on the Mail main character but I couldn’t remember much about it him.

I’m looking for a story that I read a couple years ago and can’t find anymore. It was INK style and had a female mc. She was adopted and found her birth parents who were aliens and the come from a planet where everyone is kinda genderless but they look female when on earth? And they reproduce by putting their energy together and it creates like a full formed person or something. I remember the mc had a friend named Vanessa with red hair and another friend who was a guy. There was some kinda fight with the aliens at some point and they left a bunch of shrapnel everywhere that her friends collected to try and get enough energy for her to reproduce cos all the energy was stored up inside the mc and was gonna kill her. The story itself could be up to 10yrs old so it’ll probably be hard to find but lmk if you recognise it.

I might try my luck as well see if anyone can help me find the name of this story- its similar in the sense they’re criminals but its ink and they all kinda strangers who are definitely guilty and escape prison and sorta band together its been a while so I barely remember the plot but they had whacky hair colours I think there was a set of twin guys too maybe-

It sounds similar to A Flawless Plan by MEA. Where you’re on the run for stealing a diamond I don’t think all the characters had crazy hair but I remember a pair of twins with purple hair.

It could also be Infamous by Kayla Sloans where a bunch of criminals have to work together to solve a murder

OMG YES ITS INFAMOUS!!! you are a legend I’ve been tryna work it out for ages

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Hi , hoping anyone is able to help me find a story. I’ve recently came back into episode and there was a story previously I was reading. The storyline is off a new girl moving into town. There is a arrogant bad boy which makes a bet on her. Her parents end up passing away in an accident. Later on she finds out about the bet. The bad boy ends up leaving town without things being resolved. The second season or sequel starts off with it being years later and she is famous and dating a famous man. She unexpectedly crosses paths the the bad boy. Not sure how it ends as I had not managed to get that far. Anyone able to help me find this story ? I have tried searching but no luck as of yet. Thank you

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It kinds sounds like the Runaway by Carllies

I remember reading this story at one point as well, if you find it please let me know the name.

ok so i lost all of my saved stories, and i’m looking for my favorite one. the female main character had white hair. she was abused by this mafia boss and escaped and then ran into another mafia boss. he was super sweet and they had learned how to trust each other. i think the title of the story had something to do with monsters but idk for sure. she also moved after his mother was killed, and when he went back to find her, he noticed that this guy was “purposing” to her, but that guy was just practicing because he was asking his gf to marry him PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME FUND THIS STORY

i just found it!! it’s are all monsters evil

I have been reading a story where these two girls (the Mc and her sister) move from New York to California into a house (which has an extremely creepy room in it with a ghost) in a new town. The MC picks he bedroom which is in the attic and then leaves to find a nice quiet place to think and runs into the LI in a flower field where she is drawing/cliff. They talk and become inseparable he has a lot of sisters and a best-friend that lives with him and his parents. One of the sisters dislike the Mc because she thinks the MC will hurt him like his ex but they become close until her grandma passes and she has to leave unexpectedly and forget to call or text him when hey had a meeting scheduled, But my phone backed out before i could save it so I’m wonder do anybody recognize this story or if it sounds familiar could they please tell me, also i believe the Mc has has some type of social anxiety or disorder due to her no existed relation ship with her parents, and her parents and his are business partners (Also based in a schools setting)

Im trying to find a story i read, is about a girl that was in a abusive relationship, her mother abounded her because she decided to go with bf that abuse her, when she was at the hospital the doctor started liking her, she moved with him and he supported her college school, theres two brothers that are love interest, one is a player and other is more of a golden boy. I believe can romance the doctor. Thats all i remember, the last episode i remember she received a letter from a sceret admirer. Thats all i remember

Can you help me too? I can’t find my story anywhere, so it’s about a girl who was going to suprise her boyfriend for their four year anniversary but he comes home with another girl. So she decides to become popular (she was the smartest of the class but not seen) and she gets a makeover to get the attention of her crush (the football captain) and his ex girlfriend keeps trying to ruin their relationship. The girl and the boy their parents also have another girlfriend and boyfriend who are cheating with each other.

Is it an episode featured story?


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It’s Hot Couple.

Omg yes thank you sm

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If anybody is interested in this story I finally found it, its called My little Light