Lots of stories being removed on episode?

I wouldn’t go as far as to say I liked it… but I was interested to know what she was going to do with it. But even I was quite taken aback and worried about the whole, dad sells daughter to mafia family (selling women still happens in real life!) and depicting non-consensual sexual assault/rape, because let’s be honest, that’s what it was, and unhealthy aggressive behaviours and domestic violence was not something that should be on an app aimed at teenagers.

I read it more out of curiosity than anything, I know there is also a lot of smut etc in some stories, and tend to find bigger authors get away with it, but episode does need to fairly regulate EVERY story, not just let some questionable ones slip through the net.

Well I agree!

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Yes it was her, and I think she had to create a new instagram account!

I think so

what is her instagram?

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Sorry to answer now, but I don’t know because I don’t follow her :sweat_smile:

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The removed stories had too dark plots and one of them had illegal gambling, inappropriate stuff and unfitting topics.
As long as you don’t write a story concentrated on illegal and inappropriate content in it, you will be good!! :two_hearts: :heartbeat:


Ive been noticing a lot being removed as well. I recently finished a story that was very dark and had a very depressing dark ending, it was about being over obsessive and you know the drill. That story is still up, however when the author tried to make a part two to the story it got removed due to it being too dark

However to my understanding part two has a very similar plot to part one, so I don’t know why Episode removed only one of them and approved the first one

It shows you have to be very careful, despite the two stories having similar plots, obviously season two was just a little extra darker and that extra darkness caused the whole story to be removed

What I’d recommend is never go extra deep in detail about things that you know may be a risk, for example, extra detail about a murder