Magicka Stories' Thoughts ✨ 31/03

Hi :smiley:
As everyone knows, the Magicka Contest is here. Many amazing stories waiting for us.
This thread is inspired on Amberose’s Live Thoughts R.I.P. :sob::sob::sob: but slightly different.

This thread is for everyone to post about their thoughts on the entries. ATTENTION: Only positive and constructive thoughts allowed!
Everyday, I will link the everyone’s thoughts on the OP about the entries they read. Just because someone has already posted about it, it doesn’t mean you can’t post your thoughts, the more the merrier.
This thread is to share thoughts on the stories. To post the stories’ links, I recommend going here Magicka R4R and Magicka Contest Story List

Happy Reading :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
• Magicka: Clubhouse of the Cursed by @Spiegel.TheMirror :test_tube: :100: :sparkles: STAN :sunglasses:

• Magicka: Awakening Lust by @PrettyEri :cloud: :broken_heart:

• Magicka: Graceless by @Anna.Epp :ice_cube:

• Magicka: Power of Music by @EpisodeHoneyy and @AdyElly :musical_note:

• Magicka: Olde Moon by @DancingStories :full_moon_with_face:

• Magicka: Black Heliconia by @kheyrwrites :black_heart: :eyes: Gift :herb:

• Magicka: Fairyland by @Superhuello :fairy:

• Magicka: The Clockwork Hearts by @khrema.episode :mantelpiece_clock:
• Magicka: The Ten by @TalGordin :blue_heart:

• Magicka: Sleepless Nights by @nellyy.epi :motorcycle:

• Magicka: Dark Star by @SilverLady :crystal_ball: :star_struck:

• Magicka: Black Magic by @thebutterfly_episode :purple_heart:

• Magicka: Zero by @josiej8 Hero

• Magicka: Naiyra of the lost world maze

• Magicka: Once upon a memory :thinking:

• Magicka: The elf king’s quest :elf:

• Magicka: Transcendent by @LiyahxWrites :boom: :question:

• Magicka: The Rise of Darkness by @Kuroe.psd :black_flag:

• Magicka: Art-Ache by @goth.gaia :framed_picture:

• Magicka: The Mighty Clueless by @neek :exploding_head:

• Magicka: Forbidden Wasteland by @Nettie_episode :shushing_face:

• Magicka: Balance Stones by :balance_scale:

• Magicka: Princess Phillipa by @gremlin.writes Annie1 Annie2 :dragon:

• Magicka: Fairy Sugar Cutie Go by @Screaminbanshee Poison’s the BEST

• Magicka: Daugther of the Seas by @Eulxia :whale:

• Magicka: Nathaniel by @Auremiol Wicked

• Magicka: Witches aren’t Real by @RavenWrites Red eyes

• Magicka: The Mirror Traveler by @MayLaugh :pleading_face:

• Magicka: 'Cubusome by @ParkLow_G :anger:

• Magicka: Serpentine by @southampton23 :snake:

Edit 31/03: I won’t update this thread anymore for personal reasons. Feel free to add stories, to support your favourites and so on. Have a Good Day.


Magicka: Clubhouse of the Cursed

An amazing twist on a fairytail. Its directing is jaw-dropping and it has a complex point system which is really enjoyable. The balance between directing and plot on point, in my opinion. Your main objective to break all curses.

We start as a vain MC and our choices influence the character’s growth

A word of advice: Don’t be like me and forget almost all names :unamused:

I may be a suspect as I’m a huge fan of Spiegel :see_no_evil:


I’m bookmarking this until I’ve read enough stories to choose my favourites. Spiegel’s story is definitely on my reading list :eyes:

So I’ll come back, but just to clarify: should we talk about one story, or is it fine to mention multiple stories too?


You can talk about as many stories as you want :smiley:
To make the organisation easier one per post.

Now let me go fangirl on a corner for having you bookmarking this thread :star_struck:


Magicka: Awakening Lust

Don’t let the title nor the first scene deceive you.
Our vampire is grumpy, clumsy, and learning to deal with his past while the MC is also on a process of self-improvement.
So many funny moments, where bluntness and rudeness go hand in hand.
Well, it may have steamy scenes in the future but for now, Zarian is keeping all ladies on a greater distance than arm length.

As I wanted to see both options I ran out of passes so I will came back to edit this later. :sweat_smile:
Thank you ColeCatalyst for your recommendation. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hi :blush:
I will check it later but this thread is about sharing thoughts on the stories, not to share the stories.
Sorry, if I didn’t make it clear on the OP.

I advise you to post your story here

Magicka R4R


Magicka Contest Story List

So, please edit your post. You can give your thoughts about your entry, though. :wink:

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This was a pleasant surprise! Thank you for reading. :purple_heart:

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Ohh ok what’s the list for then?

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The list is to keep things organised and link all opinions and thoughts about the stories. Instead of having to scroll through the thread to find opinions on Magicka: Awakening Lust you click on the link, cloud emoji, and you go directly there.

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Oh ok thanks :blush:

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Since you’re doing story reviews/feedback, this is the right place. :grin:

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Magicka: Graceless

A self-conscious tomboy gets thrown into a mess that she has no control over. Interesting use of overlays for the wolf mask and the shining eyes. The MC moves to a palace full of secrets, there are many questions without answer what leaves you curious about what is going to happen next.

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Magicka: Power of Music

Only just read that one today but WOWZERS the animations and the coding just blew me away along with that unique storyline. Was really enjoyable and highly recommend


Thank you!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: lol sorry if it seemed like I was pushing it onto you I’m just bad at reading directions :joy: but I really appreciate it! :grin:

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No worries, I intended to read as many as possible :wink:

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This post is such a great idea!

Ahhhh! :see_no_evil: I am very glad you liked it! Thank you for this :blob_hearts:

There are so many great entries this time! I’ll share the ones I have read so far.

Magicka: Olde Moon by Em Sandigo (@DancingStories)

It’s no secret that I love Em’s work :grin: This story is about a young Soothsayer who keeps getting into trouble at school when Sorcerers find her. She moves to a small town with her (admittedly hilarious) mom but it hardly stops the trouble :wink: I really love the LI’s here, they’re just so wholesome!

Magicka: Black Heliconia by Kheyr (@kheyrwrites)

This story is directed in a unique, personalised Spotlight style made with probably 30000+ overlays :laughing: It’s set in an Afrofuturistic world that is deeply intricate. I won’t summarise it because I think it should be discovered but I really recommend it!

Magicka: Fairyland by Superhuello (@Superhuello)

This story is about a fairy princess named Erin who is cast onto the Earth to help a human find their way. She’s… probably not the best choice but we can see how this experience will make her grow. The story is hilarious (maybe a bit ‘raunchy’ :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :laughing:) but the characters are great and I love the LI :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Magicka: The Clockwork Hearts by Khrema @khrema.episode

I really loved this one! It’s a beautiful Steampunk setting that was obviously put together with a lot of love and care. A very strong story which is definitely one of the must-reads in this contest. The mini games are fantastic, too.

I have more on my reading list but let’s see how much time I get :upside_down_face:


When I read Magicka: The Ten by @talgrodin.writes, I was so amazed huhu. I defo recommend it!!!


I’m glad you like it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I thought I was on roll but you surpassed me :rofl:

Magicka: The Ten
I was stunned by the overlays use. The spells, the concept, complex characters, a Winx reference, the whole concept based on Spiderman’s uncle last words : With great power comes great responsability. It’s an awesome entry :star_struck:


Magicka: Clubhouse of the Cursed
The story has many features that in a way leads you to personalize your reading experience. Not gonna lie, I’ve always been a fan of interactivity in Spiegel’s stories but this one takes it a step even further. You can have your own notebook. Need I say more? :flushed:
It has diversely engaging characters, such innovative curses that’s enjoyable to read and a storyline that makes you pay a significant attention to reach to your goal in the story (breaking the curses). All these garnished with a language peculiar to the story that’s invented by the writer herself!
A little tip: Pay attention to the names. Don’t be like me! :sweat_smile:

That’s the only story I’ve read in the list so far yet but I can’t wait to check the rest out!


Good to know, I was not the only one :sweat_smile: