Mexican character customizing

Hey everyone

I am making a new story for the SWY contest. My story will have a Mexican ghost in the wild west (so the story takes place in the past), but I do have some questions about the features of a Mexican. I am not sure if I should give my readers full CC. I don’t want to do anything wrong…
So I ask it to you (maybe even a Mexican reader): Can I have full CC? If not, wich features should I don’t give? Like blue eyes, blond hair etc.

Thank you so much for the help! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Here are some threads, that might help you.

Hope I could help you!


Thank you so much!!! xx


as a Mexican reader and person, I would definitely give full CC because not all Mexicans look the same some have lighter tones of hair or skin tones and some have mixed blood in them.
So I feel limiting CC just cause the character is “Mexican” could insult some people who are Mexican but don’t look anything at how you made the character out to be. but it’s another story if you limit CC because of overlays, art scenes, character description.
That’s a different matter but just limiting CC on a character because of their race can offend some people. but of course it’s your story so you can do as you wish!

Thank you so much for the reply! I will give full CC :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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