Not Adding CC In Stories

So, I’m writing a story with a few main characters (about 2-3) but I was thinking of not adding customization. Would people still read a story without CC?

And, is there anything you’d prefer in a post apocalyptic story?


Don’t know about others but I definitely would.

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Unfortunately I think that it’s a turn off for most people now. But if you don’t want to add it that’s 100% your choice.


I definitely would, if the story is well written and directed! Then of course, I’d be glad to push an expectation aside :slightly_smiling_face::sparkling_heart:

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Although I believe that it should be the authors choice, I’m actually one of those who hates adding CC to my own stories [because 9 times out of 10… people absolutely butcher my characters] yet I add it anyway because it’s what I expect whenever I read a story.

I think it’d be hypocritical of me to require CC then not add it for my own stories… hence why I do add it.


Personally, I don’t mind. Sometimes I like being able to customize my characters, but a lot of time I just want to go to the story instead of spending time editing them. It may turn off some people, but I think you’ll have enough who want to see the story through your eyes.




I would read it tbh! :slight_smile: :two_hearts:

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I would read a story without cc if it were really, really interesting.


Full customization is a must have for me to read a story there’s no ifs ands or buts about it :woman_shrugging:t2:

But IMO it shouldn’t even matter, what should matter is if you want it or not :slightly_smiling_face: You can’t make all readers happy anyways it’s impossible.


Write the story however you want. As an author, that’s your prerogative. I personally always go with the default character even when there’s CC because that’s what the author intended. However, I will say that it seems like more often than not people want CC and won’t read a story without it, even if there are important story reasons for it not being available.


some people might not read it but who cares, if you want to leave out cc that’s your choice ITS YOUR STORY. I personally don’t care because I’m reading for the plot not if the characters look a certain way.

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I would read a story If It had no CC ofc! Just remember to do what you want to do that’s all the matters!

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I always like stories with CC so that I can make them look like how I want them to be like but I have read some stories which have got me so hooked that I don’t mind if there is CC or not.

It’s up to you if you want to have CC or not as you may have the characters a certain way and you want it to be it like that. You can also always have limited CC if you really want but again its up to you. If people like the story plot they will read it none the less.

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It won’t please a lot of people, just a forewarning :eyes: But that by all means, shouldn’t sway your decision to or to not include CC. CC templates are a huge mess to deal with, especially when you have more than 1 customizable characters.

And a post apocalyptic story would be fun to read! It’s a refreshing theme to explore into because it’s not touched frequently by the community (I only remember The Infected and another is called The Surface I think. Haven’t been reading recently).

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People will still read it, but more than likely you will receive fan mail asking why not customizations, or when you will add them.

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I would still read it. But I suggest at least adding limited CC for the picky ones.

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As an author, I don’t want to include CC. But, as a reader, I want the story to have CC in it, because that’s the reason why I prefer to read in Episode than other platform.
So as an author, I include the CC for each of my stories :grin:

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There are a lot of readers who will exit your story as soon as they discover that CC is not available to them, but there are some readers who won’t mind.

Funnily enough, lately I’ve been looking for stories without CC, with good directing, plot line etc. I just want to experience great stories the way the authors’ intended them. I’m not saying if CC is presented to me that I never use it - because sometimes I do and sometimes I don’t, but most of the time I just want to read the story and not have to worry about customizing.