Right And Wrong - Ideas and Art?

Hi beautiful people!

I’m writing a story, and essentially it’s about two polar opposite individuals that clash. Alexis is a hard working, strict woman, who is the best defense attorney in her state. Will is a relaxed, easygoing man with no real goals but to have fun and work on cars. When they meet and touch, literal sparks fly, and they are soon met with these tiny supernatural replications of themselves! It is meant to be somewhat of a comedy, but it’s mostly a drama/romance.

The story is still in a working progress for sure, and especially since I’m very caught up in school and work, it can be very hard to manage my time accordingly. If anyone would be open to MAYBE drawing a cover art for this story so as to make it a little easier, let me know and we can talk about logistics! So excited to let the community know about this story, and the title as of right now is “Right and Wrong.” If anyone has any better title ideas, and/or storyline propositions I’m very open to listening! Thank you all and let’s have a wonderful year :heart::heart:

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I think I could do that for you. I’m only just starting to experiment with drawing digital art from scratch, so I don’t do commissions yet. I can also do tracing, photography editing, and character edits. I’ll PM you with some of my stuff if you are interested.

Moved to Art Resources since this is about art. Make sure to check out our Forum Tutorial for more info about creating topics, and feel free to PM me if you’ve got questions. :grinning:

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Could u specify if u are looking for free or commissions that way u will find the right artists faster

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This is mostly a work-in progress, and if and when I were to fully go through with this process, I’d be willing to pay someone for their work. My goal was to put this idea out there so that people could see what my goal is, and that I hope to finish this story, but if I do not continue with this, I wouldn’t want to waste someone’s time! However, to answer your question, I am willing to pay someone for their work. Thank you for reaching out!

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