The Thic Sister hood Offical request thread

Hello, Episode Community!

Take a wonderous trip to Epy.Sister.Hood where all your artistic needs come to life!

What you need, we can provide!

Art Scenes

And whatever else that goes onto this long behind list!
Note: All of us as a community should work together and be peaceful and kind. It is the least we can do for the Episode Company! So, no drama and no rude comments. If you use profanity, please be kind and mindful not to curse people out of their names. It’s the respectful thing to do.

Our Goal is to simply have fun and enjoy peoples company. Please be patient with everyone who makes art for you. Art takes time and time means a perfect art for your story, okay? Also, all episode groups, lets not be competitive because we all want to do the same thing - have fun and enjoy making people happy through our art! So, please no drama, but collaboration is key to helping everyone in our community! <

To join all you have to do is fill this form out

Love you all!

Now here are some examples of our art






Art scene realstics


Art scene cartoonish




More to come soon


Since were a new group there are a few examples

How to requests

here are the template to request

Splash click me
  1. What kind of splash to you want?

  2. What is the background you want it on?

  3. When do you need it?

Cover click me

What is the story title

What is the author name

Do you want character in it if so send the deatils of the characters and the pose (if you send the character in screen shot with the pose you will get it faster.

What background do you want

When do you need it

Art scene click me

What kind of art scene do you want

What are the characters deatils and the pose you want them in

What background do you want

When do you need it

Banner click me

What size is the banner you wnat

What background do you want

What do you want it to say

When do you need it

How was the group created

Hello,The Thic Sister Hood are a group of family/team not a group were are a family/team we made this group a week ago it started when cough @L.I.W.F came to my house and was screaming saying we should start a family this was my face

I was like sure we started out small but then we met some people on the way and we decided to make a thread for people can join the team/family if you wanna join all you have to do is fill out this form and when you do just say subbited can’t wait for you to join :grin:

How long does it take us to finish your requests

Splash - 1- 100 minutes

Covers- 1- 5 hours

Banners - 1- 45 minutes

Art scenes - 1 - 26 hours

Story reviews- 1-2 hours

Overlay - 1-10 minutes

When are we open

Monday - Friday - 6 am to 4 am Us time

Saturday - Sunday - 24/7

What do we use

Befunky,pics art,pixlr,sketch,ibis paint,Front space, and some other stuff which is a secret :wink:

What are the rules

1, Do not be mean

2.*Be paintence

  1. Credit us

  2. Don’t steal our art work

Thats all can’t wait to start helping you all out

With love ~
The Hood team


Um, the examples aren’t showing, though.


They’ll be coming soon. In a few minutes.


Yeah, we are putting them up


Thank you, @L.I.W.F & @CD_Erugo for your fast replies! :sweat_smile:


lmao no problem


Good luck for finding more members! :slight_smile:




Welcome :smile:


The examples are UP!

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heres one I forgot to put up

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Hello @Epy.sister.hood, this is Sydney the Moderator.

This topic has been flagged because it is in the wrong category. I have moved it to the Art Resources category, since it mainly involves art. However, any help you offer for coding/scripting must go here, and any offers for story reviews must go here. Please make the necessary changes to your post according to the reasons I have listed. Use the Official Forum Tutorial for advice, and feel free to PM me if you have any questions! :wink:

Thanks for reading and have a good day :sunglasses:

Thank you!

  • Everyone


May I please request a splash?

Sure send the details

Hey @Epy.raven I saw you commented on my post. Do I just go here to join??? I’m confused… also what is discord?? I’m fine with joining, but what is it?

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fill out the form and discord is where we chat

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I did fill it out. I’m sorry for asking.

What kind of splash to you want? Welcome back to my story splash,welcome to my story, end of episode splash and maybe at least 20 chapter splashes (basically everything lol)

1.Welcome to my story splash

Kinda like this expect holding hands, with custom outfits
Purple Background
I want it to say "Welcome to Yours
2. The same as the first one expect it says “Welcome Back to Yours”
3.end of episode splash- same as the first two just says end of episode
4.20 chapter splashes- custom outfits for aaliyah and adian. ch 1,3,5,7,9,11 and so on Aaliyah
2,4,6,8,10 and so on Adian
When do you need it? Asap

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