Underatted authors

Yet you still have time to bully me

Well done :+1:t2:

Telling you that you need to support the people already doing this is not bullying. Stop pretending to be a victim.


I’ve been a victim all my life

Plus it’s not like it makes any difference if I tell you the truth in a blunt way or an overly nice way. Me being nice didn’t make you support me, yet you want everyone else’s support for you.

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Honey being a victim is something you need to mentally get out of. You’re no help to anyone if you can’t see that you have as much responsibility to do good as anyone else. If you want support, give support. Be worthy of it.

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I’ve never had it and now (because of you) I’ll never get it

You’ve just ruined all confidence, all support… Everything

Please give yourself a round of a plause for rukning somebodys life

@Sydney_H Please shut this because it’s making a bully out of someone and a victim out of the other

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Because of me?! I’m not responsible for your feelings. If you want to help others, start off by supporting people who are already doing it.

Hard work isn’t the only thing you need. If I wanted to be an author and I spend hours of hard work bashing rocks together, it’s not gonna get me any closer to my goal.


You had no support. Support is something you have to build. The best way to build support? Show you have it for other people first.

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Well, the same can be said for popular authors. :slight_smile: They have a life too and a larger fanbase that constantly pushes them to update more. I doubt many of them even have that much spare time to support even if they want to, so I applause the ones that could support, and yes, they exist.


They do exist!

We all have priorities. None of us spend 24/7 on Episode writing or reading. It’s all about doing our bit. If you don’t have time to review other people, you can use the little time you have to read reviews.


That was dramatic. She just pointed her opinion, and justified why she thinks so. Don’t look for things to be offended with, better look into what she really said.
People have different ways to word their statements. If someone’s way can destroy all your confidence? Better read books, not forum.


Honestly, this is just sad. You cannot use the victim card whenever someone puts out their opinion, especially when they are right. You cannot call someone a bully everytime. It’s messed up and stop bringing your disability for it. This has nothing to do with it. Stop using it as a victimizing tool. That just makes you the person in the wrong for doing so. People have not even mentioned it and yet there you are, saying it and then using it for some type of advantage. I know you mean no harm and you are trying to help small authors but what they are telling you is that you are not doing a good job. And as a writer or author yourself, you need to know when to take criticism and use that for your advantage and make yourself better. If you can’t handle it, how can you call yourself a writer? Every good writer has had criticism or gotten it, they used it to better their work. You need to do the same with uplifting small authors. They are trying to help you on how you can do better for it but you block them out. It’s not right and you need to start listening.


Hey Hannah, I realise that some of the comments sound harsh but I don’t think anyone here is actively bullying you. @ShanniiWrites is blunt, but her comments are well-intentioned. She’s just trying to point out that what you’re attempting to do isn’t really going to do all that much and that there are several other ways that you can support small authors if that’s your goal.

Shannii has already mentioned that she has a website. You could suggest some stories for her to read there.
Whenever you see authors on IG asking for story recommendations, rather than just recommending your own (presuming that they said self-promo is fine), you could also recommend a couple other stories by “small” authors. I often ask for recommendations on IG and the Episode Feed for stories under 2k (and naturally, get back dozens of recommendations for stories like The New Girl lol). I’ve seen you recommend your own story to me, but you could also recommend some other stories that you think deserve the spotlight.
@Amberose only recommends stories with <5k reads in her profile. I actively stalk her to find stories to read lol. If you have some suggestions (not just your own stories), maybe she’d like to hear them.

Check out and support these threads (there are probably way more):

Also, no one is picking on you because of your disabilities so I’m not sure why you’d bring that up? We’re all talking to you the way we’d talk to anyone. We’re treating you equally, unless you want to be treated differently because of your disabilities?


No one is saying that there’s anything wrong it it, @ShanniiWrites was highlighting the hypocrisy as @Hannahnevin claims to promote small authors, and that their promotion is her priority. If they were her priority surely she’d at least follow “small” authors, not just successful authors.


She clearly knows she is in the wrong, but isn’t ready to accept it nor acknowledge it. :roll_eyes:


@Sydney_H, no one is bullying anyone, @ShanniiWrites was just opposing @Hannahnevin’s opinions and thoughts. There was nothing to insinuate that @ShanniiWrites is trying to intimidate her, this forum shouldn’t be closed because some people don’t want others to express their opinions.


Source: https://www.google.com/amp/s/lasdisidentes.com/2013/11/05/drama-queens-saviours-rescuers-feigners-and-attention-seekers/amp/

My point: Be very careful before accusing one of bullying.

Honestly, a lot of the comments here are quite helpful to me even, and they gave me ideas on how to support other writers. The willingness to absorb constructive criticism is actually #1 of surviving in this community, for me at least.


This thread gives me a migraine


Grammar is one of the things that makes a story good. Poor grammar = poor story.