[UPDATE] Forums is closing down, date has been extended

I like discord I use it a lot . But with how the set up is in Episodes server it’s confusing . Most of the chats are like forum based so if you post a shop or art or bg/ol like thread / post it’ll just get bumped below alll the way down . The set up there isn’t right for forums imo .


Exactly !

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I honestly hate whenever big games/companies use discord as a way for their players to connect while they think it’s a good idea which it could be, but I personally think when the discord comes into the picture it just starts a huge downfall from there. People will begin to troll on there and you’ll have kids on there as well and you don’t know who could be joining the server, Especially cause discord is known as a pedophile playground. And discord is always being hacked it’s just a call for chaos.


It is pretty sad, I am so used to the forums that downloading backgrounds & overlays is much easier. And so much easier to to move around and meeting new peeps

but downloading discord on your computer/laptop will be much easier than on your phones for new users - i have it both ways and computer/laptop works best for me :smiling_face_with_tear:


@Nika_mod maybe it would be better to give us a little more time to accommodate to these changes? Or a friend of mine had an idea that maybe you could make some kind of block from getting a new threads, responses, etc, BUT making it possible to access the old ones and still use all the resources? I know it’s a lot of work and coding, but people seriously love forums and is quite sad to see them closing down :pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face:


Valid! Unfortunately, nothing is safe from hackers. Discord simply just stands out more than Forums, due to it’s popularity so it’s a bigger target. It’s easy for underage people to join any platform, so it’s quite difficult to determine who is over 18 and who isn’t. Trolls also exist anywhere, but they are quite prominent on Discord, so I completely understand where you’re coming from.


Literally what I’ve just said in the server:


Very true, I feel like any minors would be safer on this platform at least because you can’t really do much and many creeps don’t know about this site since Episode is a smaller platform than something like Roblox would be.


A mod has replied in the server, stating:

And a further reply:

Something to note: perhaps even the mods are stressed with the change, so it’s beneficial to remember to treat them with respect. At least they’re communicating with us. :saluting_face: :black_heart:


Darn, well looks like we’ll all have to save as much backgrounds, overlays, guides as possible. Some of these threads have been open for years so it sucks having to start again. :disappointed:


i just saw this now omg this is devastating :broken_heart:


I honestly feel sorry about this decision. Episode forums is literally the only site which was truly safe to be and use on the Internet in my opinion. I’ve always felt this way. I feel like there’s only been love and respect here and the times where weird/extreme things happened, something that is expected on the Internet, were minimal to almost non - existent. I’ve been here for 5 years and I loved it seriously… The forums is such a helpful place for everyone. I mean yes, discord is certainly more popular today but the forums are much simpler like many of you guys said. You got to choose your topic title and section and that was it, afterwards your question was answered quickly.
I’m not familiar with discord, but from what I’ve seen from downloading it today and becoming a member of the Episode Forums group I’m not sure of this is a good idea. I’ve also seen many weird things happening on discord, so I’m not quite sure if I’ll feel safe there.
But who knows guys, maybe it’s just that we’re used to the forums and that’s why we have our doubts about this sudden change.
I do wish that the team thinks about this once more, however I believe that their decision is final.


time would defo be nice ending of june is such short notice omg :sob:
i’m not ready to let this website go :broken_heart:


also another opinion of mine, i feel like this change is going to make episode lose even more of a fan base because how are new users supposed to get their resources? since a lot of us joined this site in the first place to get those resources and ask questions about stuff.



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Discord at the moment is quite messy. I took a look at the directing help section and they moved some topics there, but it’s very cramped, imo. It’ll take a while to get used to it, honestly. :melting_face:


Sorry for any confusion. To clarify, the forums work the same way in Discord as they do here. If you make a forum post in Discord the thread will stay visible if there is activity on it. These threads are also able to be searched for key words used in the post.

We’ve created a guide to help different the different channels, here. What Are Channels – Episode (zendesk.com)


I LOVE this website! And I don’t really like the text format in discord. :sob::sob::sob::sob:Honestly I hate changes too


In the short time we all have, perhaps as a community, we could go around the Forums bumping the precious BGs & overlays threads we’ve all come to love and use frequently, while we can.

It looks like no matter how upset, angry, frustrated and downright stressed we all are about this change, it’s happening. All we can do is voice our concerns and/or opinions respectfully to the mods. They really are listening to us and it’s easy to forget that they’re just doing their jobs too.

In my honest opinion, Forums closing down entirely is going to cause a lot of community members to leave completely - which is something that is contributing to the reasons why Episode have made this decision. I would have imagined having the server open alongside the Forums would be more community friendly. The deadline is seriously ridiculous to work with. Whilst the move is a good marketing strategy, are they thinking even further ahead? One day, something will replace Discord. Once the activity dies down in the server some day, just as people got used to it, will Episode then completely shut down the server and move onto the next big platform? This is why shutting down the Forums all together seems like a bad idea.


I can’t access the link. It makes me log into something.