Update on the Episode Team’s Continued Progress in Serving Our Diverse Community

“We see you’re upset and might stop giving us money so have some shallow platitudes and a few new hairstyles.”

I’m not pinning this on the front-line forum mods and/or writers (even though c’mon guys, if you say OMG one more time I’m going to flip a table). It isn’t their fault- it comes from the top, which is invariably a bunch of old rich stockholders saying “well this demographic is too young and inexperienced to know the difference between equality and equity so just throw them a bone, their dad’s credit card is still approved and all we have to do is bully the artists into working harder.”

Hey stockholders, get bent twice. Dear Episode readers and writers, just keep pushing for a world where drama=intriguing character interaction and not soley “OMG ASSAULTED ON DATE LMAO TRAUMA HEALED WITH MORE ASSAULT”.

You know who you are.


When I open Episode it says there is a new update, but when I check the PlayStore, it’s not there. That’s going on since 5 days. To be sure I checked the Appstore on the Ipad of my sister and there was newest version but on my phone it’s still the old version. By the way I have a Samsung smartphone and it’s an android 12.

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Two years since the renewed promise and what 4/5 since the first. This says a lot. Choices stepped up, mapped out a plan and followed through. Yet here we are with the lies.


diverse can mean showing characters with disbilities like deaf/hard it doesn’t have to be one group alone and as a black person this is important to focus on but also as a person with a disability , this is very important too

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I love that you’re striving to do this, but could you please fix the newly-released nun habit? As a Catholic, I find it highly offensive that not only was it released as a costume (religious wear is not a costume!) but that the extremely important headpiece (including wimple and veil) was not included. This has been pointed out on the relevant thread but thus far ignored. I understand it may have just been an oversight or could even be a glitch, but I feel like the community deserves to be treated with respect in this regard or at the very least informed if the issue was being worked on.
Thank you :slight_smile:

EDIT: Thank you for adding it! :slight_smile:


This! :clap:t2:
If you thought the hijab was a good substitute, it’s kinda crazy ngl


Can we incorporate assets related to the Hispanic/Latino culture. Hispanics/Latinos have such a beautiful vibrant culture and the clothing could be amazing! Even Indian/Asian have such beautiful clothing, hairstyles and accessories. I love the braids, but there are other cultures besides white/black. Diversity should mean everyone. He’ll have a multicultural month and give a little bit of everything.


I agree with you, but there was no need to drag other cultures/races into the request for what you want.

They fought for the assets they got and Episode still has not touched the tip of the iceberg for what they can do for many different cultures/races regarding representation.

So let’s not give backhanded remarkes about what others have fought hard to get from this app for literal years.

Also, white and Black are not cultures. There are many cultures within a race/ethnicity.


I understand that culture is not white/black but what is each groups creates collectively to form a culture. I was over simplifying to avoid mentioning every subgroup.

I also wasn’t dragging others into but trying to highlight how much is lacking everywhere else and how it’s ignored completely, as if others culture/races don’t exist. It’s not the tip of the iceberg when it’s barely insight. It wasn’t even meant as a backhanded remark despite how you may have interpreted it. It was me trying to acknowledge that what they have released has been good, primarily the braids I adore them the most which is why I mentioned them at all. I wasn’t dragging just pointing out in 2 years I haven’t seen anything that it’s on their radar.

Yes people fought hard to get those assists, I’m not mad about that, it’s some of the best stuff the episode team has given us. By me making a comment it takes nothing away from that.

I was trying to simply say hey this has been great, fantastic job , but what’s going on with others? Not like hey stop what your doing! It really wasn’t meant to be taken negatively. It was to challenge the team to see if “inclusivity and diversity” is still the mission.

If in anyway I offended you I’m honestly sorry for that, I’m not a person who will ever disparage or dismiss what I know is a sensitive subject and how impactful words can have.

There are a ton of different ways the topic of representing a specific culture can be brought up without comparing what others have been fighting for into it (because yes, it was a comparison)

Providing informational links or even starting your own thread about a specific want or need are some ways to not only get others to see, but to more clearly have it communicated. Because just stating Hispanic/Latino culture, although you said you generalized for a reason, is still massively…dismissive.

Black hispanics and latinos have their own differences from each and also other hispanics and/or latinos of any other race. So just mentioning Hispanic/Latino culture, but then in the same breath mentioning that braids are great and all but there are “other cultures” is very dismissive and a bit ignorant.

For example, Black hispanic and latino folks are being represented in a way through the afro hair updates because that is a common hair texture Black people share no matter the ethnicity. So it reads as a disregard for those Black groups and features which, yes, I immediately and always will take issue to.

I know it was probably unintentional but wording does make a difference because there have been 1 too many people on these forums who have been throwing passive aggressiveness at the assets (or any attention whatsoever) the Black community has been receiving only in the last 2 years since this entire app even began. It gets tiring.

Worth a mention, instead of using what others have fought tooth and nail for for years to get in comparison to what you don’t have, doing real footwork will up your chances of getting something you want.

Doing something like creating threads with picture examples of what you want in assets is a way to go.

If you like editing, creating things yourself out of Episode’s pre-existing assets is great as well. If you do that, you can post them here or even better, add assets you want into edits and post them with the asset updates we get every month so they eventually post it public on their Instagram account where it will reach more people and gather attention.

You can even make edits and tag Episode under the #NoticeMeEpisode hashtag on Instagram where they can likely post your edit to their audience.

You can even try submitting a ticket to Episode requesting things as well.

I’m saying this because these are things I have done personally. There are like minded people here probably looking for the same things you are. Simple highlighting on an old thread like this one, honestly, is not gonna convince Episode to do anything. Not saying the things I advised will, but it’s more concrete than a passing comment.


Just a reminder that race and ethnicity are not mutually exclusive. Anya Taylor Joy is Latina. Skai Jackson is Latina. Adding South American cultural diversity is fine but implying that Afro centric features means the erasure of “Latin” representation is absolutely ridiculous.


I am here for this specific response!!!