What tools do you use for outlining your stories?

I have an Idea for a new story that I would like to start working on. However, this time around I would love to have my whole story planned out before starting to write, to combat writer’s block and so I know what to work on when.

How do you guys do that? Do you use any software or web pages to help you build out the story from the idea?

I have tried using Word/docs, but I need something a little more structured, so I can see all the moving parts at once.

Hoping that some of you have some tips/tools for me. :crossed_fingers:


With creative projects like stories, it’s actually pretty common to think with your ideas spread out, as opposed to the linear thinking creative tools such as Google Docs and Word utilize (in other words, you’re not alone in how you think). I don’t know of a whole lot of tools, but from the sounds of it, a tool like Milanote would be great for you, as you can lay your work out in any way.

Some of these tools do cost some money, but there’s likely some free options out there, or at least free versions of paid tools (Milanote offers a free version without needing a trial; you just need an account, and you’ll have access to a limited, but useful amount of options to work with.)

I do recommend reading all the privacy policies, as there’s been many creative programs and tools out there stealing work from artists of all mediums to create AI-generated work. Make sure their privacy policies align with what you’d like before using them for your projects.

I personally haven’t published any works yet, but I have been working on several WIPs, and a tip I highly recommend is just using pencil and paper. It’s been scientifically-proven that it can help get those creative gears going, and I’ve found this to help me when I’m stuck.

With all that said, I hope my comment is able to help you in any way! Happy writing! : )

(Edited to fix a typo.)


Thank you for the suggestion. It does look promising! So, I’ll look more into that. <3

I do this too, because I can get this mental block when sitting in front of a device. But then I lose the papers and my ideas, which is why I need to be able to structure my thoughts digitally as well. :sweat_smile:


For me I use google slides. Each slide for each episode and all events of each episode written on it. Like all events not only the main ones I even have slide written with all art scenes needed with creators and all outfit games.

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I’m using a few things for help with general structure and keeping stuff together. I use docs for general story beats I want to get to, keeping characters/info handy, and writing various scenes in advance before I forget them, lol. And I also use Coggle, but I believe you can only have ~three stories on there before paying. It’s got branching options so I use that as a very simplistic outline to keep track of things, especially choices and where they’ll each lead.


When I’m planning, I use a pencil and a notebook. Now, when I write a script for my story, then I use my smartphone.

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I first write my story ideas in a notebook, then I use Wattpad to plan out my script. I make each chapter represent each episode.

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I love this idea too! It would be like index cards at a glance. Then where do you write all your dialogue?
Do you somehow intertwine the two, or are they separate?

Uhh! Another fun tool, it looks like. Thank you!

Do you use an app for it, or how do you structure it?

I haven’t used Wattpad. Is it possible to rearrange the chapters as you go, or see them at a glance?

I use grammarly, so I can write without mistakes. And even if I make them, it fixes them.

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I forgot to mention that I often use this to plan my stories:

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I sometimes rearrange the chapters as I go, I have Wattpad in another tap so I can go back and forth between them.

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I don’t know if anyone has mentioned this, but maybe just having an idea of how many episodes you’d like (for example, if there are 5 in total) then in each of the 5 episodes include a hashtag at the top (with a paragraph next to it), something like:

#in this episode…x y z will happen

Basically you have an idea of what your episode will contain. If you ever feel stuck or something, just scroll to the very top of the episode and read the hashtag (it will not show up in your episode, it’s just a note for yourself)

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Milanote is a godsend for people who are super into organizing


I actually just bought a novel template off Etsy. I deleted the pages I didn’t need but so far it seems ok. I’m excited to use it.

I’ll be usuing points and gains and stuff which I’m debating whether to do it in an excel, word, or just design my own sheet for it. I’ll probably design my own but still debating.

But yeah, Etsy has some good, cheap options that include character development, plot, flow, ect. I can send you the link to the one I got if you’re interested!

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I usually run the Grammarly extension. Do you write within Grammarly?

Yeah, I use this a lot within the episode portal itself. Notes on emotions and animations I want to use when I get to coding.

This! There are so many moving parts, and I just need it all in one place.


I have both, but writing directly in you can fix mistakes better without the premium plan.

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If I do make an excel sheet I’ll be sure to share it atleast as a template that people can change as needed

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