Where can I find the subscription button?

I recently bought an iPad and in the app description for Episode it says these subscriptions are available:

But I can’t find where I can actually purchase one of these ? Its not in the app

There is no subscription, I don’t know why they would tell you that

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The only thing you can get is unlimited passes. Maybe that’s what it means?

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Weren’t they testing something like this in the UK (I think?!) like a year ago? I can’t remember if the subscriptions actually happened, or if it was just the app description, but I remember a lot of people thinking that they had to pay just to use the app and it became a big thing :rofl:
Maybe they’re thinking of testing it again? There’s nothing under settings in the app?

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yeah I have the monthly option, but its more than the price in the description, and the annual option isn’t in the app :grimacing:

nothing I can find :joy: :joy: bit weird for them to write it in the description but not put it in the app

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