Why is the forums actually closing?

Yes, a mod posted the statement a few days ago. If you’d like to read the specifics, feel free to check this link. : )


One guess, it cost money haveing a website running, like the forum, so does discord, but its free for episode to use.

The fact that episode becomes so active when there’s an issue proves that people still love and use it, I’ve especially seen everyone come together on forums so I just wish they focused on making the forums better so there was a reason to be on here daily if that’s what they wanted.

I come in here when I need coding help or to see what questions are being asked but I’m not on here every day or even every other day.

Need More traffic on the site? You have to work for it, add more things to the site, post about it, have other people post about it, be active in the community so you know what’s being asked for, change things to make it easier for the authors and readers.

I just feel like a lot of the time they don’t wanna listen to the voices of the community and that’s why it starts to shy thin.


I don’t suppose, much else can be done for the forums; outside of these posts or signing the change petition?

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at this point I think the most that the petition will do is POSSIBLY get them to let us have all our info as view only if that makes sense

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Something is better than nothing- but we need to be relentless if we want to get anything.


This is more a general question, but if traffic on forums has decreased so much over the years, why don’t they make a way for more people to join? Like having the option to create an account when you first join, or something like that?

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While I doubt this will do much, consider DreamerAFC’s Top 10 Reasons Why the Episode Forums Shut Down is a Bad Idea.

Not trying to simp, but check it out as to why this shutdown dosen’t make sense**(If DreamerAFC, doesn’t want the additional advertising I’ll nuke the reply)**. Link below.

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