Answering questions feels bittersweet now

With the dreaded closure date approaching rather quickly, does anyone else feel bittersweet answering Forums questions now? :face_holding_back_tears:

One thing that most of us have in common is that we enjoy helping others with coding, outfit making, story name ideas, backgrounds & overlays sharing/recommending and much more. Technically, we can still do this in the Discord server, but Forums is original.

I’ll admit that the server has grown on me over time, that first week was just awful. However, Forums is still my preferred choice. So when I visit and continue to answer posts, it feels weird. Especially when I’m aware that any answer I provide and provided, plus my posts, will be gone forever soon. :smiling_face_with_tear:

I don’t mean to sound depressing, but I was wondering if any of the lovely people in this community feels the same? :thinking:


Can definitely relate! :sneezing_face:

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Can 100% relate. I still pop over here and try to help anyone I can but it definitely feels different knowing that it won’t be there for others to use and learn from.

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The way that questions are asked on the Discord is so different as well… they tend to be in the large community chat were they are repeated over and over again… on the forums, pretty much every topic that is open is original. If you answer a question or help someone on the forums, you know that it will mean something and you know that they will see it. Discord? Not so much.


It doesn’t feel as productive to answer questions over on Discord. I still do when I can, but knowing that the answer will disappear in the ever churning chat means inevitably someone will ask it again, rather than being able to just look up an answer like you can here. :roll_eyes:



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Forums feels like a home. :two_hearts::teddy_bear::house::smiling_face:

Discord feels like an unplanned vacation with tornados sprouting out of nowhere, lots of turbulence on the plane, and a low budget hotel in a shady part of town. :tornado::roller_coaster::warning::face_with_spiral_eyes:


I definitely feel the same :face_holding_back_tears:

I love helping people with directing questions on the forums, so I’m definitely going to miss doing that. It’s been really fun :face_holding_back_tears: Yeah, I have IG and now Discord, but it doesn’t have the same feel :face_holding_back_tears: :face_holding_back_tears: :face_holding_back_tears:

I’m not crying reading this :face_holding_back_tears:

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:face_holding_back_tears: :blob_hearts:

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I definitely relate, That’s why I was avoiding forums at first.

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