APP: What if we make 'sections' for different age groups?

Well, EPISODE can’t track you down, or take your private information, if it so chooses to let you hook up your Google Accounts account to the APP. It can synchronize with your Google Accounts account, but it can’t, in a legal sense, ‘take your private information’, or at least try to without your permission. If you do want it as private, or don’t want anyone to know about something, just mark it as private, or, better yet, don’t put it on your account in the first place. And it will certainly not ‘track you down’, it can take your location, again with your permission, but it can’t ‘track you down’, you’re making EPISODE sound like some random creep that wants to know where you live.


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Thank you for the explanation that definitely helps me understand a lot more! :slight_smile:


Just a heads up. As with the old forums, only “likes” are considered votes. So please make sure to like the op thread to make your voice heard. With that being said, @Res, it might be in your best interest to delete the poll in this thread, as it seems to cause a distraction from the like system that is in place. Thanks and good luck!


Thank you everyone who has voted! However, like what @Jeremy has said, liking the post is considered voting, not actual voting. Whoops. The poll is still there, however it is closed at the moment. If you would like to still vote for this idea, please like the original post and see how many supports we can get this time : D
Once again, thanks to everyone,
and Cheers,
(sorry for the initial mess up, don’t how how EPISODE works lol)


I think that a +18 section is a bad idea, and runs the risk of becoming an absolute cesspool.

A +15 and +13 shelf, on the other hand, I wholeheartedly support.


Thank you everyone who has re-voted! I once again apologize for the misunderstanding, but we’re regaining votes once again! Although slowly, I still thank everyone who has written their opinions and voted!


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If you were, for example, say 18, then you have free roaming around all the different sections, but if you were, say, 15, then you’d only get roam around the 13+ and the 15+ sections, and the same applies for 13s (you’d only get access to 13+ section). But if you think about it, it’s not that bad. With EPISODE’s guidelines, you’d, hypothetically, have a wide range of options, so you aren’t limited to just ‘kiddy’ stuff.

Sorry for not replying sooner,

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Well actually, studies have shown that children/anyone within a certain age limit can’t be exposed to certain types of content or news. It’s the reason why we have ratings on certain things. For example, if you were 5 years old, you would be sitting and watching a ‘children’s’ show, why is it called that? Because ‘children’ shows mainly consist of helping the children watching develop their young minds. Take Dora the Explorer for example, that’s an amazing kids show. It helps children develop thinking skills, as well as helping them to develop reasoning and observation. (where’s the cow? THERE! great! That sort of thing) Now, why am I talking about children’s shows, you may ask? The same (to an extent) applies with the other age groups.

The teen years are filled with hormones and the famous “I’m an adult!” attitude. So, most of the content that their ‘age group’ consists of, is: romance, mystery, and the like. They’re sort of lesser forms of adult shows that just let loose and have all the guns and violence and death content within them. It’s not to say that teenagers aren’t ‘mature’ enough for these shows, because intelligence wise, they can be one of the most advanced teenagers out there, maybe even more intelligent than adults, but mentally, and physically, their brains can’t handle it.

So if you think about this from that point of view, maybe you can see why I’m suggesting this?


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Here’s an article if you want to read more about the effects:

it’s actually very interesting. I personally like it. It talks about the effects on younger audiences watching content that they are supposed to be restricted from.



I think I love you @Res :wink: This a really good idea I support! It would really be in Episodes best intrest to make an age restricted section and teen/children section.
~ :kissing_cat: Lana Augustine


I think there should simply be a “mature” section and then the regular rated 13 stories. We should also have to put warnings in all our stories before it begins ,so it would be able to be at readers fault for choosing to read it and disliking it even when they knew it was going to be something they they knew would be upsetting to them.


It’s a good idea. Thanks for the suggestion!


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You have to like the original post to vote, I messed up and thought you had to actually vote : /

Sorry for that!

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The poll is down, you can’t vote via there, don’t worry, because you liked the original post it counts as a vote : )


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I think this is a good idea BUT it would be hard to monitor. A lot of people would lie about their age and there’s probably no easy way to prove your age unless you submitted some form of ID?

I wonder if there’d be a way of adding a “child lock” type thing to Episode? I really don’t know how that would work but then the onus would be on the parent to make sure their kids were only reading stories that they deemed appropriate. Every story would then need a classification and a parent could determine if their child could see all content or just 13+ stories. There are definitely some stories on the app that I wouldn’t want my 13-year-old to read (I don’t have a 13-year-old. This is hypothetical.), but some parents would be fine with it and that’s their decision, just like if a parent was to buy MA 15+ or R rated movies for their 13/14-year-olds to watch.


A person that either commented on this post or my other one suggested that we have some type of credit card identification if the person claims to be 18+ or not. And even if let’s say a 15 year old has an credit card, they technically/legally cannot have an actual bank account, they would need a youth account, though it depends on the country.


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But not every 18 year old has a credit card either.
Also, I’m pretty sure I’m from the same country as you (Australia, right?) and I’m pretty sure that when I got my first job at 15 I was allowed to have a proper bank account? (This was YEARS ago so things also could have changed.)

But like you mentioned, this would vary a LOT from country to country, so I don’t think it would be a very good way to “prove” your age. The only real identification would be some sort of ID like a license, passport, proof of age card etc. That would be quite time-consuming and a lot of people wouldn’t want to share that info.
I don’t think it’s a bad idea to have a mature section, I just don’t know how it would be enforced.

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Again, very good points. But in this day and age, it’s a near necessity to have a bank account. Heck, I’ve seen kids getting bank accounts when they were 8. I would actually like to see someone NOT have a bank account. The way Australian bank accounts work, is that under the age of 18, you cannot have an ‘adult’ bank account, you must have something known as a ‘Youth Account’. I’m pretty sure a similar system works for other western/1st world countries.


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But same thing as showing an ID, does that mean that every person would need to show proof that they have an “adult” bank account? I don’t want to give my banking details out any more than I have to. (Side note: I’m now feeling super old as I’m 99% sure that rule didn’t exist when I was 15 lol (I think you needed to have a job or something though))
Again, good idea but there needs to be a better way to “police” it and hopefully Episode can think of a solution.

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People don’t have to give out their credit card details, but maybe if they give some other type of identification instead, then they can prove that they are 18+, but if someone were under the age of 18, or someone doesn’t want to give out any personal information, then you could be locked out of the ‘mature’ section. However, that doesn’t mean that you’d be constantly in the ‘baby’ section, if EPISODE’s guidelines are really for 13+, then you should still have a wide variety of options for stories.


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