Dara Amarie's Official Help Thread! [closed]

thank you!

Hey! I was wondering if you knew how to put characters in the way way back of the background. Do I have to make them small and then put them in a spot?

Hi, Iā€™m sorry if this is a really basic question, but how do you pan and have text (narrator) bubbles at the same time? Or basically have any background (not a looping one) or overlay move while the narrator text bubble still happens? Thanks so much!!

This question has probably been asked a billion timesā€¦ How do you make characters appear transparent and ghost like?


Like have them just pop up without making ā€œwalkā€? Use the command @remove CHARACTER, then pause real quick for a split second, then just place the character at their spot.


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Yes, youā€™d have to spot direct them: Spot Directing (Moving Characters Around)

Use the & sign for that command and place it before the Narrator dialogue.

&pan to zone # in T

You can learn how to do that here: How to "FADE" Characters

Can I get a customation script

character name is @Jayla

You can find them here: Multiple Character Customization Templates (INK & Limelight)

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How do I change the name

It tells you when you click on the templates.

It dosenā€™t work

If you follow the instructions correctly and in order, it works.

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I did but it still not working

What about it isnā€™t working? What exact steps are you doing?

Thank you so much, life saver over here! :smile:

I did ctrl and f and try to write my character name but it dosenā€™t work

You need to read the instructions carefuly and follow them in order

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