[FIXED in v14.60] Bold and Italicized Text Effects broken on Android after March 30th version 14.42 release

There was an Android app update a few days ago, to version 14.42. One of the more obvious changes was the fact that we can actually see the emojis instead of just outlines.

Ever since this update, Bold and Italic text effects no longer show up in the app for us. As someone who works in the software development world, it’s pretty much a given that the issue lies within this emoji change, as they are both related to dialogue text format.

I understand that Android is less likely to receive bug fixes, the past has made this quite evident, but this really is a bigger issue than it may seem at first glance. A lot of authors use bold and/or italicized text to help convey meaning, tone of voice, inflection, speaking volume, and a lot more. Without it, a story isn’t able to be enjoyed as the author wrote it to be.

All other text effects AND animations work. It’s only these two that are broken. See below where I have created a side-by-side comparison

animations are fine

Episode, please don’t ignore this bug. I know it’s not iOS, but we all deserve to enjoy stories the way they are intended. Otherwise that also does a disservice to the author for their hard work not being appreciated.

If you have an Android device please consider sending in a support ticket to help make them aware. It may not do much, but it’s worth a shot.


I sent a ticket. Hopefully, they will fix this.


To keep things connected, linking this to a new post from today

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Well, I’m happy I’m not the only one that’s facing this problem.
On the other hand… I hope it will be fixed.
I’ve just send a support ticket.
I hope it will help.


I don’t even have my iOS device to proofread my story so I always do it from my dad’s phone which is Android. And I freaking hate how the effects can’t be seen. I am ready to see the outlined emojis again but I don’t want to face this issue. Why don’t they give equal attention to both Android and iOS?! :sneezing_face:


I thought I was going crazy or something and using the effects wrong. Good to know other people are having this issue! They need to fix this asap!


It’s so frustrating! It seems like such a minor thing but it’s such an important feature that is being used constantly. Can’t even remember the days before they were added. They really need to fix it. It’s already been 2 weeks. If it hits 3 I’m gonna be extremely irritated.


I know! I use it so much and not seeing it show up on important scenes is so irritating! It NEEDS to be fixed!!!


I know! I was wondering why the bold effect is not visible on the app!


Thought I was the only one lol.


bump :blob_turtle:

I don’t have an Android, but hopefully this issue will be resolved soon! :crossed_fingers:


I thought it’s only in my stupid phone -.- thanks for sharing this, i’ll send sent ticket because they need to fix this asap!


I thought it was my phone that wasn’t showing it! I’m an android too!

Will definitely be sending a support ticket!


For me, all the regular text shows up bold, and I can’t see color text effects at all. I have android. Bugs are everywhere with this update.


Yeah there’s literally 2 bugs regarding text on Android devices. It’s been a month since the bug started and 3 weeks since the last update. I’m seriously getting frustrated at this point.


If it’s an android bug, sometimes I feel like they won’t ever fix it, lol. Just like with the fanmail. I guess we better get used to the weird looking fonts :laughing:


Yeah I know but they usually fix things that impact readers on a significant level. Fanmail is whatever, it’s not the end of the world. But this has an extreme impact. Ugh hopefully within this week. I’m certainly not publishing my new chapter till this is fixed bc the effects are important.

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The bug appeared to me almost 3 weeks ago. Still hasn’t been fixed.


Android users deserve the same amount of effort as iOS. I do not care that there are more iOS users than Android, that’s unfair.


Right?! It’s blasphemy.