Here's the link to the community post that shows you how to turn on dark-mode so you don't go blind while coding your story


Thanks for this Iā€™ll give it a try, does it work for every laptop? I have a HP not a apple

It might, though youā€™d probably have to search for a tutorial specific to the operating system you use (for example, Windows is an operating system).

Didnā€™t realize I could do this. I just use a browser extension! XD

Moved to Creators Corner since this is about the portal. Make sure to check out our Forum Tutorial for more info about creating topics, and feel free to PM me if youā€™ve got questions. :grinning:

This is revenlutionary (is that how u spell itšŸ˜­) if this works for me!

You could also use a browser extension called Dark Reader.