🍸 Martini's Script Template: 📱 Custom Phone Text Notification

I’ve been using this for quite a while in my stories. It not only looks cool and realistic but is also very easy to implement!

Here’s an example:

The phone lits up and the message is shown.

You won’t need to create and upload a separate overlay for each time you want to use it. Instead you can customize the time, and message on the go. You can use emojis and text effects too!


  1. Upload a phone background with dark screen.
  2. Upload a phone overlay, same as background but with a lit up screen.
  3. Upload message notification overlay.
  4. Create custom text overlays and line them up with the message notification.
  5. Fade the overlays in.

If your message is longer than 1 line, you need to create more text overlays (one for each line) and you’ll have to make the notification overlay bigger.

Here's the template
INT. PHONE DARK with PHONE_LIT at layer 0 with MESSAGE_NOTIFICATION at layer 1

&zoom reset
&overlay PHONE_LIT opacity 0 in 0 AND overlay MESSAGE_NOTIFICATION opacity 0 in 0

#This is the contact name (in my case it´s Dad). It should be bold.
&overlay TITLE create text |bold| Dadđź’«

#This is the message content.
&overlay TEXT create text 🍲 Dinner at 7, don't forget.

#This is the time you want to be shown when the phone lits up.
&overlay TIME create text |color:white| 4:12

#Overlay placemenet (it can variate, depending on the length)
&overlay TEXT scales to 1.252 1.252 in 0 AND overlay TEXT shifts to 71 319 in 0 AND overlay TITLE scales to 1.216 1.216 in 0 AND overlay TITLE shifts to 68 333 in 0 AND overlay TITLE moves to layer 3 AND overlay TEXT moves to layer 3 AND overlay TIME scales to 7.066 7.066 AND overlay TIME shifts to 100 389 AND overlay TIME moves to layer 3

#Pause so the dark screen is visible first
@pause for 0.5

#Screen (+overlays) lits up
@overlay PHONE_LIT opacity 1 in 0.8 using easein AND overlay MESSAGE_NOTIFICATION opacity 1 in 0.8 using easein AND overlay TITLE opacity 1 in 0.8 using easein AND overlay TEXT opacity 1 in 0.8 using easein AND overlay TIME opacity 1 in 0.8 using easein

Footbal theme

Galaxy theme

I didn’t include the cat theme because it’s custom for my story where the MC’s cat is blind on one eye.

:point_right:t3: If you want a custom phone, feel free to DM me with the details (background color, wallpaper, battery percentage, service/wifi etc.)



Pretty cool thing you made here! Are templates something you regularly make? Do you have more?


Thanks! Yeah, I do a lot actually :smiling_face:

Here's a list

I dont think this is in the right section try put it in art rescoures. I’ll defo use these in my story thanks!

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I’ve put many script templates in this section already :slight_smile: And yeah, I’m happy you like it!


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