About stock characters šŸ˜

Honestly, I donā€™t really see a problem with using stock characters. Most of the time, authors literally just use them as background characters. I like to use a combination of stock characters and the random generator because it is soooo time consuming just to create 10 characters that stand in the background and do random actions.

Its a different story when stock characters are used as important characters in the story, but other than that, everyone really needs to keep in mind that 1: authors do have lives and priorities; they arenā€™t gonna spend all day creating a bunch of random characters and outfits to match. 2: creating characters takes longer than some may think, especially when youā€™re halfway in a story and you start writing a scene that has so many background characters in it.


It really takes just one second to create a character+outfit using the randomizer :woman_shrugging:


Am I the only person who has pretty much never gotten a randomly generated character thatā€™s actually usable? Like Iā€™m talking about super light lips on really dark-skinned characters nearly every time :rofl:


Yeah - using the randomiser. It doesnā€™t take 1 second to create characters from scratch which some people are insinuating.


It doesnā€™t even create any characters for me so I just end up doing everything myself. I must be doing something wrong :joy:


And besides, there still is no problem at all using a few stock characters.


Lol I get characters like that all the time, so Iā€™m always either refreshing or editing the character. It is such an annoying process.


I really just use it when spot directing rather than having to create all the characters first but then I still have to go and make adjustments :upside_down_face:


The randomizer creates them for you, you donā€™t create them from scratch yourself :woman_shrugging:

Youā€™ve literally seen evidence of some people who didnā€™t know randomiser existed. That could be the same case for other authors. I literally only ever stumbled on randomiser by accident. Besides that, some people like using stock characters and prefer using them over the randomiser. There is absolutely no point in feeling frustrated over BACKGROUND CHARACTERS (apart from the group of authors who use stock characters as mains).


Maybe they are just really committed to their preferred clothing store. :joy:

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To prove how easy it is to - not even using a generator - just click random stuff and move on with your life. I closed my eyes and picked different features at random. Ngl it turned out pretty well, might do it more often.

So what are we naming him guys? You guys should try too


I tried that a couple of times as well and got pretty nice characters :ok_hand::two_hearts:

Also, his name should be Jason :woman_shrugging:

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Bro! Thatā€™s exactly what I thought!


Does anyone feel sad for the stock characters tho?
They just exist and get transformed into other people, they donā€™t have stories of their own
I might just start writing a story about all of them (a parody)


I donā€™t mind stock characters in the background, personally, but I think they do run the risk of calling attention to themselves. A background character probably shouldnā€™t be all that distracting, so if you are using ā€œRoseā€ in your background and keeping her outfit stock as well, you run the risk of some peopleā€™s eyes being drawn to her in a way that probably isnā€™t positive.

It bothers me when they are major, named characters. If the main characterā€™s friends and love interests are stock characters in stock clothing, that is odd to me. I have yet to see an MC that was stock, but I also didnā€™t think Iā€™d ever see a stock love interestā€¦ until I did.


That sounds awesome. ā€œYou are a digital ghost who only exists on an app for the purpose of being transformed into someone else. What happens when you find yourself able to break character for the first time?ā€ :sweat_smile:


Lmao Iā€™d read that


why are you always killing me I choked :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:


What do you mean by stock characters?

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