New portal update? What is your opinion?

Post got flagged so everything I wrote before is gone but here’s the new update


I love it soooo much this is going to help me a lot!!! :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :hearts: :hearts:

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This update is helpful for authors who are lazy to organise stuff (like me) :face_with_peeking_eye::joy:

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That looks interesting; it will be nice to organise your fav pieces (especially if you’re freaking forgetful like me, even with assets that are used basically all the time :face_with_peeking_eye: :rofl: )

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The post got flagged, of course, but @Mi_writes , @dynamite-ash , @ft.baka I do agree. I think this update is helpful, and I find it makes outfits much easier to create and easier to organize in a way.


Can you tell me what was on this post before it was unjustfully flagged by the careless members of the forum while the mods do nothing but wallow in self filth of the dying out game they do nothing for except put out updates that less and less people are here to see?

So I saw that the portal now has this thing in outfits where you can now favourite clothes and more. I find this very cool, and for hairs, you can find recently updated hairs and in alphabetical order. What do you guys think? I personally love this, so now we can find our favourite clothes by clicking the favourite button, which i think eats down as now it’s easier to find clothes that we love, and maybe if we were rushing and forgot a clothes name, we can go to the favourites and find it!

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Amazing feature! Hoping for more like that, like the abillity to safely post something withouth it being hidden becuase an idiot decided to flag it for no reason whatsoever!

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Your replies make me laugh I dont get why I got flagged, but oh well, guess we can’t post anything now, but I really find this update super helpful and useful. The next thing we need is dark mode for the damn app. My poor eyes are seeing this bright white background every time I read or proofread my stories!


Probably flagged because it’s in the wrong category. I’m guessing it’ll get moved to a different category and then unflagged.

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Moved to Episode Fan Community since Share Feedback is for story ideas and reviews. Make sure to check out our Forum Tutorial for more info about creating topics, and feel free to PM me if you’ve got questions. :grinning:

Looks interesting! And nice, to be honest

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