Questions from a New User!

Hello! I’m new to this, and I’m hoping that in the future I’ll be able to write some stories. I just have a couple of questions!

  1. Do you have to have gem choices?
    1.1) Can you set how many gems to consume?

  2. Is there a way to save a bunch of characters and use them for different stories (i.e. creating a connected universe)?

  3. The cover art, who makes the ones that are used for loading screens and the introductory stories? They’re gorgeous.
    3.1) Is there a resource of cover arts in that style?

I think those are all my questions for now, but if I come up with any more I’ll update!

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  1. No you dont need to have gem choices unfortunetly to use gem choices (as in like get payed) you need to be 18+ and older and meet the criteria. You can set any how many gem choices.

  2. I don’t think there is a way to save a bunch of characters and then use them for another story.

3.The person that makes cover arts are community what i mean by community is the people who do episode so anyone can do the cover art. for you. even if that person doesn’t do episode



For your second question, you would just need to create the same characters again. You can’t save them. You can totally create a connected universe if that’s what you want tho!

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  • Do you have to have gem choices?
    abseloutly NOT. its only a thing you should considre if you reach the writer payment option. which is very unlikely. you do not get anything out of the gem choice before that

1.1) Can you set how many gems to consume?
no it depends on how many readers you have

  • Is there a way to save a bunch of characters and use them for different stories (i.e. creating a connected universe)? no

  • The cover art, who makes the ones that are used for loading screens and the introductory stories?
    only featured stories can have a loading screen cover. others has just has the default and cant change. for covers a lot of artist do it. some do it for free. the better ones take commision.

3.1) Is there a resource of cover arts in that style? no.

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Well, my question was really who does the art style for that that you see on the loading screens and the first few stories like Love On Fire, K*ss List, More Than Friends, etc.

here is a list of people who do commision for art (take money for them )

and here is a list of open art shops (them who do it for free) you will see the ones who do commission is much better which is why they take money for it. but that dosent mean you can’t get a good one for free.

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people who work for episode. the apps creators, you cant get them to make one for you, they ar hired by the app itself. I actually dont know who the artist is. but the app properly pay a lot for them

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Thank you so much you guys for answering! O actually thought of another question!

I believe I saw a rule about characters have to be 16+, which would put the minimum age around junior/senior in high school. I assume that that is in place for in case of mature themes.

But my question is, if I wanted to have a main character be freshman/sophomore age (so 13-15), but there wouldn’t be mature themes, would that okay, or is the 16 and older rule a hard rule?

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i dont know. but here is the guidlines

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Welcome!! :grinning: You sound very smart! I know you’ll get this pretty fast. There are YouTube tutorials check out Joseph Evans! Anything you want to learn, just put a question in the search part! There are literally answers every where. I’m a bit new yet. Still getting the hang of everything. I just wanted to say welcome and enjoy everything!

Very true.

Ahhhh, another question! And this one I can’t seem to find the answer to. In the script editor, there’s the scene tab, which according to the FAQ will allow you to jump from one scene to another. However, I can’t seem to find how to actually add a ‘scene’ or have one appear on the list.

The scene tab is for extremely long scripts for which scrolling is inefficient to find a scene. A scene is scripting a background, characters, dialogue and actions, like this:

@CHARACTER enters from right to screen center
@CHARACTER is wave_extreme

  Hi, it's nice to meet you!

@CHARACTER exits left

That’s a whole scene. Doesn’t have to be fancy or complicated, just has to have a background and something happening on it.

I believe the main character cnt be under 16. you can have younger characters as side chracters like kids younger sister, but not the main characters…but I can be wrong - that is how I understand the rules and also I never see younger MC than 16 in any episode…

Yeh you are now going to stuff which is not necessar in the begining and can be confuzing on start.

For starting to write the esential thing is

  1. How to get background in script
  2. how to make character apear on scene
  3. how to make character speak, have thought bubble and narrator bubble
  4. how to make character do an animation
  5. how to make character walk

After you will know this go for more advanced stuff like how to zoom how to pan how to make more charactrs do thinkgs in same time, how to use props and overlays and so on.

try joseph evans videos:

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