New update on the Episode app!

Hey guys! I wanted to clear up some doubts about this new Episode update… where some profile features have changed…

FIRST that, there is no way to change the animation… or I’m too stupid and I don’t know where it is… I’ve clicked on everything but there’s no button!

What ifAnd second, the option to “hide” and “unhide” The story, because I just finished my story, and before this update, I had hidden it due to problems with my device… When I managed to solve it, it was like this, and now I can’t “show” the story anymore.

The story appears on my profile, but here it says I have 0 stories published, and I asked my friend to see if the story was on my profile… and she sent me a screenshot, and Was not…

Can someone help me???!


Nothing comes up on your profile but I can still see your story if I search it up :thinking:

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hmmm, that’s pretty weird not showing up on my profile… but I’m glad it shows up when someone searches! thanks!

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Hey I just wanted to let you know what your seeing is a new update BUT only certain people are getting it at the moment because episode is slowly release it to more and more people .

Hope this helps ( I remember @/Tory posting about this let me see if I can find her post rq )


Is the “Stories I’ve Read” the same thing as “My Favorites” in the homepage? Do you have to go to your profile now to access your bookmarks?


Here the post by Tory abt the update


I think not.


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I have the same problem. I can’t change the background or the animation in my profile since the new update. When I look at other profiles, the text in some of the speech bubbles is so small I can not read it and I can’t see any story recommendations from anyone anymore. :pensive: I sent in a ticket and apparently it’s a known issue.


@Tarly @DaphneBlythe

This is why you can’t change bg.

  • Players will be unable to change their background and emotions with this particular version. We’ve limited this ability because we are currently working on a future update to improve this experience.
  • Emojis within the profile home page, such as in your name or the speech bubble, will be tinted with the black text color. We already have a fix for this, and it will be available in an upcoming release.

Thank you. I will be patiently waiting for the future update.


Awe lucky lol, I wanted to try out the new update.

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Moved to Episode Fan Community. Make sure to check out our Forum Tutorial for more info about creating topics, and feel free to PM me if you’ve got questions. :smiley:

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:man_facepalming: It’s stuff like this that makes you wonder who’s in charge. Probably Bozo the clown.


Maybe you’re right🤔

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