🌙 HOW TO: Use Pans 🌙

Welcome :wave: :blob_hearts: :crescent_moon:

The generic command for panning to a different zone:
@pan to zone # in S

#= a number (the zone number)
S = a number (the time, in seconds)

If no “in S” is mentioned, the default speed of the pan is 2 seconds.

An example:
@pan to zone 2 in 3
This means the camera will pan (slide) to zone 2 from the current zone it’s in, and this pan will last 3 seconds.
It doesn’t have to be three seconds. It can be any number of seconds you want it to be.

The follow command using spot directing:

&pan to zone # in S
@CHARACTER walks to spot % X Y in zone # in S and CHARACTER does it while animation

An example for it:
&pan to zone 2 in 3
@CHARACTER walks to spot 1.280 200 0 in zone 2 in 3 AND CHARACTER does it while run_jog

This would have one person walking to a zone, if you want 2 people, then it would become:

&pan to zone # in S

&CHARACTER walks to spot % X Y in zone # in S and CHARACTER does it while animation

@CHARACTER2 walks to spot % X Y in zone # in S and CHARACTER2 does it while animation

If you want more characters, add & for all above and @ for the last command so it happens at the same time.

P.S I want to say that & is a good command to know if you don’t want your character to pop up randomly (this happens sometimes and it can be annoying). Use this if you want them to be standing there at the spot already.

According to the Episode guides, “Using an @ means that it will wait for the previous command to completely finish before starting. Using an & means that it will NOT wait, and will immediately start its action.”

How to have a character stand in a different zone without popping up randomly.

Generic code:



@pan to zone # in S

*This is just a generic way of writing it-remember that you need to replace the POSITION, #, DIRECTION, S with actual ones and it doesn’t have to be a person named CHARACTER-can be anyone else you want it to be.

So, from this generic code, we can use an example:


&YOU stands screen center in zone 2 AND YOU faces left

@pan to zone 2 in 5

*Note that you can write either @pan to zone # or @pan to zone # in S (your choice)
@pan to zone # = @pan to zone 2
@pan to zone # in S = @pan to zone 2 in 3

Also, you can use spot directing to make them stand in other zones, too : )

Just a reminder that pans between two different zones are achieved with this code:

@pan to zone # in S

Another example: @pan to zone 3 in 4 (the camera will slide from the current zone it’s in to zone 3 in 4 seconds.)

You can use “fast pan to zone #” which lasts 1 second or “slow pan to zone #” which lasts 3 seconds (# would be replaced with a zone number). S, the time, in seconds can have decimals in it as well like 2.5 seconds or 4.7

You can use easing functions with pans!

@pan to zone # in S using easing_function


@pan to zone 2 in 4 using easebounceout

*this would pan (slide) to zone 2 in 4 seconds and it would also have the cool easing function effect applied to it.

You can read more on easing functions here: HOW TO: Use Easing Functions :disco:

If you want the NARR to talk while you pan, use & for the pan:

&pan to zone 3 in 2

Good morning.

You can also use the then/THEN command to pan back and forth while having the NARR speak.

&pan to zone 3 in 2 then pan to zone 1 in 1.3

Good morning and good day.

Feel free to add pauses (walking with pans to achieve in sync scene or narrating with pans to pause in a specfic zone).

You can also pan to another zone without resetting the zoom. You can use:


To get to a different zone.

Check out: 🌹 HOW TO: Pan + Zoom at the same time + Extra Material 🌹

Expand to see an Example Code


&zoom reset

&speechbubble reset

&JEM spot 0.736 440 247 in zone 3 AND JEM faces left

&cut to zone 1

Here’s a pan to another zone.

@pan to zone 3 in 2

Now here’s a pan using an easing function.

@pan to zone 1 in 2.2 using easebounceout

&pan to zone 2 in 1.8

Now we’re panning at the same time as this bubble is present.

Now we’re going to do a fast pan to zone 1.

@fast pan to zone 1

Now we’re going to do a slow pan to zone 3.

@slow pan to zone 3

Now we’re going to have Jem walk into the scene while a pan is taking place (timed to make it smooth).

&JEM walks to spot 0.736 235 243 in zone 1 in 7 then JEM is idle_armscrossed_angry_loop

@pause for 1.5 THEN pan to zone 1 in 5.5

Thanks for checking this out!

Expand to see video gifs of the example code above

&cut to zone 1

Here’s a pan to another zone.

@pan to zone 3 in 2

Now here’s a pan using an easing function.
@pan to zone 1 in 2.2 using easebounceout

&pan to zone 2 in 1.8
Now we’re panning at the same time as this bubble is present.

Now we’re going to do a fast pan to zone 1.

@fast pan to zone 1

Now we’re going to do a slow pan to zone 3.

@slow pan to zone 3

Now we’re going to have Jem walk into the scene while a pan is taking place (timed to make it smooth).

&JEM walks to spot 0.736 235 243 in zone 1 in 7 then JEM is idle_armscrossed_angry_loop

@pause for 1.5 THEN pan to zone 1 in 5.5

Thanks for checking this out!


Must Read Guides & Helpful Resources + Tips

Must read guides:

  1. HOW TO: Stage Direction

  2. Script Symbols

Helpful Resources to check out:


Appreciation Thread For Jem! ❤ - #25 by JemU776

By the way in some cases @ commands will equal & commands if they last 0 seconds. For changing into clothes, props, features, you have to use @ , for transitions you have to use @ as well (by the way transitions cannot last zero seconds). To cut to a zone, can write @cut to zone # where # is a number (ex. @cut to zone 3). Cutting to a zone doesn’t take up any seconds so @cut to zone 3 = &cut to zone 3). If you have any more questions, feel free to ask :heart:

Thanks for checking this tutorial out, mes ami(e)s, have a great day/night where you’re at, much love, Jem, a gem :gem: :crazy_face: :lollipop: :sparkling_heart:



Bump :cherry_blossom:

:smiley: Bump :smile:

Bump :crescent_moon:


Bump :two_hearts:

Bump :camera_flash:

Bump :crescent_moon:

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